Facts & Figures Foundation: 1954 Employees: 321 (teaching staff) & 93 (administrative staff) Students: 3,850 Alumni: 16,500 Doctoral degrees awarded: 500
17 Departments Serbian Language and Linguistics Serbian Literature Hungarian Studies Romanian Studies Ruthenian Studies Slovak Studies Comparative Literature English Studies German Studies Romance Studies Slavic Studies History Media Studies Pedagogy Philosophy Psychology Sociology
Students 3821 students actively studying at the Faculty 3107 BA students 531 MA students 183 Doctoral students BA graduates 269 MA graduates
Study Programmes The Faculty of Philosophy offers 42 accredited study programmes: - Bachelor - Master - Doctoral Aleksandar Radlovački
Library The second largest humanities and social sciences research library in Vojvodina Digitalisation in progress Current exhibition, Central Library: Works published by the Faculty from 2008 to 2012
Awards Dragan Prole, Nikola Milošević award Gojko Tešić, Vuk Karadžić award Svenka Savić, emerita, achievement medal 2011 Vladimir Gvozden, Laza Kostić award Slobodan Vladušić, Isidora Sekulić award Randal Major, PEN translation award Gojko Tešić, publication award for Works of Stanislav Vinaver Mihal Harpanj, doctor honoris causa
Publications in monographs 11 periodicals Themed proceedings, theses and coursebooks
Conferences organised by the Faculty Languages and cultures across time and space 2 5 th Études françaises aujourd'hui - de la pensée à son expression Minority languages discourses, literature and culture in Southeast and Middle Europe Changes in social structure and mobility Belief narrative genres symposium International workshop on Balto-Slavic accentology
Student and staff mobility EM ECW JoinEU-SEE EM ECW Basileus Campus Europae CEEPUS SIGMA Global UGRAD DAAD Bilateral cooperation and individual mobility EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES Milica Tešić
Exchange students 43 students from 11 countries (Poland, Spain, Lithuania, Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Slovenia Germany, Czech Republic, Japan, the Netherlands) 22 students to 10 countries (Germany, USA, Croatia, Latvia,Czech Republic, Russia, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia, Lithuania) Outgoing students so far Incoming students so far
Projects VisMath, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Hungary DHRHHE, Roehampton University, UK QiR, University of Sarajevo, B&H CONGRAD, Universitat Bielefeld, Germany MASTS, University of Belgrade, Serbia REFLESS, University of Belgrade, Serbia MAS, University of Novi Sad, Serbia MOTED, University of Münster, Germany, Institute of Education, Westfälische Wilhelms - Universität Münster (WWU) CUBRIK, University of Alicante, Spain JOINSЕЕ, Karl-Franzens- Universität Graz, Austria - completed in 2012 ICYW, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia – completed in 2012 TEMPUS COST Transforming audiences, transforming societies Action IS0906 DAAD South-Eastern European network for cultural sciences Media and Memoria, University of Konstanz, Germany Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) + 21 projects financed by the Ministry of education and science + 10 projects financed by the Provincial ssecretariat for science and technological development + 2 bilateral projects (Slovenia and Croatia)
Agreements with international institutions 2012 The Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Norway Pompeu Fabra University, Spain University of Fribourg, Switzerland Camões Institute, Portugal Volunteer Centre of Hanban, China Yunus Emre Institute, Turkey
Guests and special events Numerous ambassadors and eminent visiting lecturers Numerous cultural events (Norwegian film fest, European language day, Chinese Bridge competition...)
Mission and vision To implement green policies in all aspects of Faculty work To enhance the institution’s research rating To provide the right balance of theory and practice To attract the best young scholars from Serbia and abroad To meet or exceed international standards in HEI management To achieve regional recognition as a leader in language instruction and services To offer innovative joint degree programmes and specialist studies
1st December – Anniversary of the Faculty’s founding