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You Can Earn Rs.6,10,36,100/- With Purchasing an e-Book of Rs.90/- only
Sale 5 e-Books in first level & duplicate the same
5 e-Books * 20 = Rs.100/-
25 e-Books * 15 = Rs.375/-
125 e-Books * 10 = Rs.1250/- And Auto Entry to Binary Plan
625 e-Books * 5 = Rs.3125/- And Rewards : Mini Lap top
3125 e-Books * 5 = Rs.15125/- And Rewards : Bajaj discover-150
15125 e-Books * 5 = Rs.78125/- And Rewards : Gold Jewelry
e-Books * 5 = Rs /- And Rewards : Nano Car
e-Books * 5 = Rs /- And Rewards : Aulto Car
e-Books * 5 = Rs /- And Rewards : Honda city Car
e-Books * 5 = Rs /- And Rewards : Dream House
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