Herbalife Retail House = 2500 VP per month 3 x 3 Plan First Year 3 Supervisors Second Year 9 Supervisors Personal Use 200 VP Third Year 27 Supervisors 39 Supervisors after 3 yrs (40) Retail Business 800 VP 40 x 2500 = 100,000 in org volume Royalties and production bonus: US$108,000 pa Aus$201,000 pa!!!!! Monthly Av. US$9,000 Aus$16,000 Sponsor Wholesale Business 1000 VP Commitment Delayed Gratification Concept. We don’t live in a microwave society. This is not a get rich quick scheme but if you learn and apply some basic skills and commit long term for three years you have the potential to become extremely wealthy. What we are going to discuss today is the foundation of your business plan. The concept is to create an Elite Retail House that is consistently doing at least 2500 volume points per month. Build your Elite Retail House in 4 Major Areas: 1 Personal use 200 VP 2 Retail New Customers 800 VP & Repeat 500 VP 3 Wholesale / Discount Customers signed up at 25% Discount 4 Sponsoring The 2500 volume points should be coming from the areas of Personal Use, Retail Customers, Wholesale Business (which includes Senior Consultants, Discount Customers and Success Builders) as well as Repeat Customers who purchase the products every month at full Retail. This makes for a balanced business that will create a rock-stable foundation on which to build your Elite House and that will allow you to have solid personal volume every single month for ever. Sponsoring will always be a major part of your House. However, any volume gained from it doesn’t count towards the 2500. Volume from sponsoring is considered additional volume. Your goal is to build your House to 2500 volume points per month with Personal Use, Retail and Wholesale only. Consistent efforts working your business plan will creat your elite House. Your house & your personal monthly vloume will automatically advance is you are consistent with sponsoring & retail. Open other elite houses & duplicate yourself - 3 year plan. Repeat Customers 500 VP 1000 - 4000 VP Extra volume not counted towards 2500 VP
Extra volume not counted towards 2500 VP Herbalife Retail House = 2500 VP per month Personal Use 200 VP Retail Business 800 VP Repeat Customers 500 VP Wholesale Business 1000 VP Sponsor 1000 - 4000 VP Extra volume not counted towards 2500 VP 5 x 5 Plan First Year 5 Supervisors Second Year 15 Supervisors Third Year 125 Supervisors 155 Supervisors after 3 yrs 155 x 2500 = 387,500 in org volume Royalties and production bonus: US$511,500 pa Aus$960,000 pa!!!!! Monthly Av. US$42,625 Aus$80,000
Extra volume not counted towards 2500 VP Herbalife Retail House = 2500 VP per month 10 x 10 Plan First Year 10 Supervisors Second Year 100 Supervisors Third Year 1000 Supervisors 1110 Supervisors after 3 yrs 1110 x 2500 = 2,775,000 in org volume Personal Use 200 VP Retail Business 800 VP Wholesale Business 1000 VP Royalties and production bonus: US$2,997,000 pa Aus$5,600,000 pa!! Monthly Av. US$246,750 Aus$466,000 Sponsor Repeat Customers 500 VP 1000 - 4000 VP Extra volume not counted towards 2500 VP