Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday October 31, 2013 BLUE BLUE Day
Announcements The Parkside Panther Press Hot off the press! The Parkside Panther Press, the school newspaper, will go on sale Friday, November 1 for $1.00. Students will be selling them during the morning walk and all lunches. Find out what is going on in your school from a student's point of view.
Announcements Auditions for Guys & Dolls/Little Mermaid Monday, November 4 Wednesday, November 6 Thursday, November 7 Audition Requirement 1. Sing a song of your choice from a Disney Animated movie. 2. Present a short Monologue of your choice. See Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Mergler, or Mrs. Henke for detai
Announcements Fall Dance Students: The Fall Dance will be held this Fri Nov 1st from 7-9 PM. It will cost $4.00 and tickets will only be sold during the lunches this week Wed, Thurs. & Friday; they will not be sold at the dance. We will be selling drinks and food at the dance. You can wear a costume to this dance but remember no masks!
Announcements Parkside Flag Detail Mr. Marchinetti and Mr. Evers are looking for 4-6 individuals to be trained for Parkside flag detail. Those selected will be trained on how to raise, lower and fold the state and American flags each day. For afternoon detail you must be a bus rider for lane A. Any students interested please leave your name at the main office for consideration.
Announcements Specialty Programs at Osbourn Park HS The Biotechnology Center Medical and Healthy Science Informational Night: Wednesday December 4, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Program at Brentsville District HS Cambridge Programme Informational Night: Wednesday December 18, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Program at Battlefield HS Center for Informational Technology Informational Night: Thursday November 14, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Program at Stonewall Jackson HS International Baccalaureate Programme Informational Night: Thursday November 14, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Programs at Patriot HS Advanced Placement Project Lead The Way Informational Night: Monday December 9, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Programs at Woodbridge HS Advanced Placement Center for the Fine and Performing Arts Application due December 13, 2013 Project Lead The Way Informational Night: Thursday November 7, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements Specialty Programs at Freedom HS Center for Environmental and Natural Sciences Informational Night: Wednesday October 30, 2013 At 7:00pm Specialty Programs at C.D. Hylton HS Center for International Studies and Languages Television Production Informational Night: Thursday November 15, 2013 At 7:00pm
Announcements We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week this week. Thursday-Put a Cap on Drugs (wear a hat) Friday-Red Rally (wear red) Pledge to be Drug Free!
Announcements New Workout Gear Attention all students: The PE department has received the new workout gear inventory. You can purchase your workout gear any Wednesday during your PE class.
Announcements Panthers on the Prowl-Boys & Girls Club Students should report to the library immediately after school. Dismissed with car riders!!! Tuesdays: 6 th and 7 th grade (Kubler P-3, Kubler P-4, Polak P-2) & Thursdays: 8 th grade (Polak P-2, Polak P4&5).
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A