Parkside M.S. Announcements Thursday December 19, 2013 Panther Day
Winter in Santiago, Chile
Winter in Warsaw, Poland
Announcements Rachel’s First 5: Week 8 THURSDAY (Discuss the Topic): Why is there so much violence in schools today?
Announcements The Parkside Panther Press The winter edition of the school newspaper, The Parkside Panther Press, goes on sale tomorrow (Thursday) during all lunches and will also be available on the Friday morning walk and all lunches. $1
Announcements ROBOTICS CLUB Cancelled all week
Announcements Panthers on the Prowl-Boys & Girls Club Students should report to the library immediately after school. Dismissed with car riders!!! Tuesdays: 6 th and 7 th grade (Kubler P-3, Kubler P-4, Polak P-2) & Thursdays: 8 th grade (Polak P-2, Polak P4&5).
Announcements SPIRIT WEEK THURSDAY: Crazy Hat Day Wear your favorite crazy hat! (school appropriate)
Announcements SPIRIT WEEK FRIDAY: Spirit Day Panther Pride Blue and White!
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A