Nominal Group Technique Designed to promote group participation in the decision making process Everyone as a voice. Used by Small Groups to Reach consensus on identifying the key problems. Develop solutions that can be tested using rapid cycles.
Generating Solutions We have done a walk through We have created a flowchart We have started to identify bottlenecks/barriers NOW we need to identify PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS. NGT can help!!!
Seven Steps Preparation (Room and Question) Silent idea generation Recording of ideas Idea discussion Preliminary voting Discussion of preliminary voting Final voting on ideas
Assignment As a group, use the pre-defined question as the foucs of your nominal group process. Assign a Change Leader to facilitate Take 5 minutes for SILENT IDEA GENERATION. No Talking! Record on idea on one post it note.
Assignment Change Leader will facilitate the sharing of solutions One solution per person at a time will be shared with the group. One person from group will put each solution on the flow chart at the area it addresses. This will continue until all solutions are shared.
Assignment Vote on those solutions to identify the top idea to test first. Members of each group are asked to select a first choice (red circle), a second choice (blue circle) and a third choice (green circle) on the post it note solution.