10. Geographic Information Systems.* H Unit 1 Geography skills vocab – Write each word in the correct box and define it. Draw and label illustrations for the words that have a * (2 + colors/drawing) Section 1 (pg 5-9) 1. Geography 2. Relative Location 3. Equator * 4. Prime Meridian * 5. Latitude * 6. Longitude * Section 2 (pg 10-13) 7. Globe 8. Map 9. Cartographer * 10. Geographic Information Systems.* Geography Skills handbook 11. Qualitative map p 22 12. Cartogram* . 22 13. Flow-line map p 23
1 2 3* 4* 5* 6* NAME ____________ Unit 1 vocab boxes
7* 8* 9* 10* 11 12 13