Rome’s Beginnings Roman Republic Roman Empire Roman Architecture Fall of Rome 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
According to legend, Rome was founded by these twins
Romulus and Remus W
He led a large slave revolt in Rome
Spartacus W
Rome fought these wars against Carthage in North Africa
Punic Wars W
Much of our language is based on the language of this tribe
Latins W
Rome was divided into these two classes
Patricians and Plebeians W
Latin word for “I forbid”—used in our govt. today
Veto W
Leader with complete control who took temporary control during a crisis
Dictator W
Form of government in which representatives are elected
Republic W
Open space in Rome which served as the Senate’s meeting place and market
Forum W
Rome’s written law code
The Twelve Tables W
Rome’s common ____ helped to increase trade
Currency W
Era of peace in Rome A
Pax Romana W
Octavian took this new name which means honored
Augustus W
This Dicator was killed in the Forum on March 15, 44 BC
Caesar W
The Colosseum W
Aqueduct W
Circus Maximus W
Pantheon W
Roman Bath W
Deadly Epidemic that killed 20% of Rome
Plague W
Rapidly growing prices
Inflation W
Since Rome’s currency became almost worthless people began to trade or ______.
Barter W
Rome hired these foreign soldiers to protect it. A
Mercenaries W
Vandals, Visigoths, Huns, etc that continued to attack the empire
Germanic Tribes W