Unit Three At a meeting Cultural tips
How to Conduct a Successful Meeting The first step is to have an established agenda prepared. Planning for your meeting is the most important step to establish your agenda. You should outline each of your topics that need to be addressed and any important points you do not want to forget to cover. To be most effective, you should make a copy of your agenda for each party participating in your meeting.
How to Conduct a Successful Meeting The second step is to keep focused on the agenda. The balance between keeping all your participants involved and not straying from the focus of the agenda can be a challenge. When you notice the flow of the meeting is away from your agenda, steer the conversation back to the topic at hand. On occasion this may require you to stop the meeting and refocus. You can suggest the topic generating the discussion be tabled, or if the topic has brought up another topic, add that to a future agenda.
How to Conduct a Successful Meeting The third step is to ensure everyone involved in the meeting has an opportunity to express his/her opinion and feedback on each topic. A successful meeting make each participant fell like they were a part of the meeting. Ensuring this requires the facilitator to address Participants individually and explore their opinion on the given topic.
How to Conduct a Successful Meeting The final step is to allow time for others to share Information or discuss topics that were not covered on the agenda. Brainstorming can often generate the best ideas and results, so be sure to set aside enough time to cover topics that are related to the issues at hand, but that were not apart of your initial agenda. Allow each participant the freedom to express ideas without concern of negative feedback.
How to Conduct a Successful Meeting These are guidelines and you should trust your participants attending the meeting and the topics to be discussed. Prepare, focus, facilitate and brainstorm your way to a successful meeting. Return