Hosted by MR. HARDY
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 Pogroms did this in late 19 th century Russia. What was violently persecute Jews?
1,2 This is what Bolsheviks are. What are radical Russian Marxist revolutionaries?
1,3 This was who the Chinas peasants Aligned with in the 1920s. Who are the communists?
1,4 This was the purpose of soviets under Russias provisional government. What was serve as local councils?
2,1 This is what it means to be a totalitarian state. What is a state in which the government controls every aspect of public and private life?
2,2 This was the purpose of the Soviet States Five-Year Plans. What was for economic development?
2,3 This person seized power from Persias shah and changed the country name to Iran. Who was Reza Shah Pahlavi?
2,4 Sun Yixians Revolutionary Alliance accomplished this. What was overthrow the last emperor?
3,1 This group was known for taking a 6,000 mile journey called the Long March. Who were Chinese Nationals, fleeing Communists?
3,2 This man led the famous protest known as the Salt March. Who was Mohandas K. Gandhi?
3,3 This was how Alexander III and Nicholas II dealt with calls for reform. What was they resisted all efforts for reform?
3,4 This was how the Russo-Japanese war showed the czars weakness: His insults to the Japanese emperor caused the war; Poor military strategy; News of reported losses sparked unrest and caused revolt; All the above. What was news of reported losses sparked unrest and caused revolt?
4,1 Under the Treaty of Versailles, this country got Chinese territories previously controlled by Germany. Who was Japan?
4,2 Of the following this did not occur as a direct result of the Bolshevik Revolution: Factory control returned; Farmland redistributed to peasants; Truce signed with Germany: Totalitarian state established. What was a totalitarian state was established?
4,3 One of the following was responsible for the Great Purge and the group it victimized: Lenin >> the Mensheviks; Jiang >> the Kuomintang; Jiang >> members of the Communist Party; Stalin >> members of the Communist Party. Who was Stalin >> members of the Communist Party?
4,4 This was started under Stalins rule as a Means to improve the Soviet Unions Economy: Industrial and agricultural revolutions; Bolshevik and Communist revolutions; socialist and totalitarian revolutions; All the above. (Type the question for 4,4 here.)?
5,1 This was how the May 4 th Movement influenced the formation of the Comm- unist party in China: Established disillusionment; Planted seeds of Comm- unist ideology; Turned people against Sun Yixian; All the above. What was all the above?
5,2 This was the result of have a Nationalist government recognized by the world but a communist party growing in the countryside What was civil war broke out between the two groups?
5,3 This was how the nationalist movement in Saudi Arabia differed from that of Turkey and Iran: SA violent rev - others not; Turkey Iran pursued modernization -SA not; SA built state oil – other not; All the above. What was Turkey and Iran pursued modernization more than Saudi Arabia did?
5,4 This led Great Britain to give India. What was a continuous campaign of civil disobedience by Indians?