Does The Bible Even Mention It? In terms of the present-day holiday…No In any passage at all…the KJV in Acts 12:4 Word in original text is Pascha Context demands the word be properly translated Passover Word occurs 29 times in Greek N.T.
Should The Church Observe It? Obviously not, in view of the fact that the N.T. does not so instruct cp. Acts 2:42 Col 3:17 Such a special observance ignores the need for pure gospel preaching based on the D/B/R of Jesus Christ all through the year What else should the church preach?
Should The Church Observe It? We preach the Lords D/B/R all year because... …it illustrates selfless sacrifice Phil 2:1-9 …it evidences Jesus identity as the Messiah and Lord of the church Rom 1:3-4 1 Pet 1:17-21 Eph 1:15-23 …it depicts how one is Biblically saved Rom 6:3-7
Should The Church Observe It? This is all the apostle Paul knew to preach 1 Cor 1:23 2:2 15:1-4 If a church is not preaching this year round, it is woefully derelict in its duties A special service focusing on such is not needed
May Individual Christians Observe It? An interesting aspect to be viewed with caution Personally, I would advise against it For reasons previously stated re: the churchs refusal to observe it However, principles in Rom 14:5-6a would seem to apply in such an instance
May Individual Christians Observe It? Therefore, individual saints who feel compelled to observe it must follow Pauls instructions No judging others who dont observe vv. 4, 13 Be convinced only in your own mind v. 5b Pursue only those things that lead to peace v. 19 Keep such convictions to yourself v. 22
May Individual Christians Observe It? Other disciples who would disagree with brethren who observe it would also need to follow Pauls instructions Rom 15:1-2 Patiently work with such disciples, giving them time to come to a full realization of the truth