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Questionnaire Design
Introduction Proper wording Answer to a question is function of question wording Stock---- Livestock ----- Securities stock may clarify
Questionnaire As easy to compose as a good poem But, it is usually the result of long, painstaking work
Basic Criteria in Questionnaire Design Relevance Accuracy
Questions should facilitate data analysis What Should Be Asked? Questionnaire relevance Only needed question should be asked Chances of omission prevails Questionnaire accuracy Should be simpler, understandable, unbiased, unambiguous, non-irritating No step by step process may be generalized Avoid lengthy, difficult to answer, ego threatening question Questions should facilitate data analysis
Decisions in Questionnaire Design What should be asked? How should each question be phrased? In what sequence should the questions be arranged? What questionnaire layout will best serve the research objectives? How should the questionnaire be pre-tested? Does the questionnaire need to be revised?
Phrasing Questions Open-ended questions Fixed-alternative questions What do you like most about your job? Fixed-alternative questions In Management, is there a useful distinction between what is legal and what is ethical? Yes_____ No_____
More response from educated Phrasing Questions Open-ended questions Cost is high High interviewer bias Improper recording More response from educated
Phrasing Questions Fixed Alternative Questions Require less interviewer skill Take less time Easier for the respondent to answer Simple Dichotomy: This or that like Yes, no, Determinant Choice: choose only one - response Frequency determination: Asks frequency of occurrence Attitude rating: Such as the Likert scale Check list: allows respondents to provide multiple answers Dichotomous or Multiple choice questions must be mutually exclusive
Phrasing Questions It differs Self administered (Conversational style) Telephone (Conversational style) Personal interview
Rules for Questionnaire No hard and fast rules Only guidelines
Avoid in Questionnaire Avoid Complexity: use simple, conversational language (Marital Status) Avoid leading and loaded questions: Loaded indicate socially desirable Avoid ambiguity: be as specific as possible, avoid often, usually, frequently Avoid double-barreled items Avoid making assumptions Avoid burdensome questions
Designing Questionnaire Question sequence Order bias (Influence of earlier question or by an answers position) Funnel technique (Asking general questions before specific questions) Filter bias (Filter & Pivot question) Anchoring Effect (First concept measured tends to become reference point) Question layout
Pre-testing Even after pretest, Researcher should remember Can the questionnaire format be followed by the interviewer? Does the questionnaire follow naturally or conversationally? Can respondents answer the questions easily? Which alternative form of questions work best?
Internet Survey Exploratory research may be a single research investigation or it may be a series of informal studies; both methods provide background information. Researchers must be creative in the choice of information sources. They should explore all appropriate inexpensive sources before embarking on expensive research of their own. However, they should still be systematic and careful at all times
? Any Question? Exploratory research may be a single research investigation or it may be a series of informal studies; both methods provide background information. Researchers must be creative in the choice of information sources. They should explore all appropriate inexpensive sources before embarking on expensive research of their own. However, they should still be systematic and careful at all times
Thanks for your contribution Exhibit 3-1 models the sequence of stages in the research process. It also organizes this chapter and the introduces the remaining chapters in the book. Chapter 5 focuses on Stage 2: Proposing Research. Chapters 6-15 focus on Stage 3: Research Design. Chapter 16 focuses on Stage 4: Data Collection. Chapters 17-20 focus on Stage 5: Data Analysis. Chapter 21 focuses on Stage 6: Reporting.
Case-20: Canterbury Travels Selected person from group will present Assignment Assignment Case-20: Canterbury Travels Submission date is 16 Aug Selected person from group will present
Assignment Assignment Prepare a Questionnaire on your Individual Research Topic Each student of the group will need to conduct survey with the question (each student 3-4 respondent) Collective experience will have to be presented in the class This survey will be considered as pretest of the questionnaire Present your Experience along with Literature Review of your Topic on 23 Aug
See You Next Week Exploratory research may be a single research investigation or it may be a series of informal studies; both methods provide background information. Researchers must be creative in the choice of information sources. They should explore all appropriate inexpensive sources before embarking on expensive research of their own. However, they should still be systematic and careful at all times