Salvations Sure Plan The Biblical Record Of Noah & The Flood
Salvations Sure Plan The Plan - Its Preparation By the time the plan is revealed, God has already decided to destroy all life Gen 6:5-7 We see how far & fast man can ruin a good thing cp. Gen 1:31 with 6:5 We also see how sin affects God cp. Eph 4:30 Noah, his family show righteousness can be found in a sinful world Gen 6:8 cp. 2 Pet 2:5
The Plan - Its Particulars Ê It was Divinely given Gen 6:13-14a As Creator, God alone possessed the right to end life on earth He told Noah to make an ark He warned Noah about the flood Heb 11:7 To be Divinely commanded, instructed by the mouth of God cp. Mt 2:12 Heb 8:5 Acts 11:26 Salvations Sure Plan
The Plan - Its Particulars Ë It was minutely detailed Gen 6:14-16 God specified all the details about the ark The wood Ù gopher wood The designs Ù rooms, window, door, floors The buoyancy Ù covered with pitch inside & out The dimensions Ù 300 cu L x 50 cu W x 30 cu H Salvations Sure Plan
The Plan - Its Particulars Ì It was believingly received Gen 6:17-21 Gods instructions were based on promises He was going to destroy the earth He would save Noah, protect him and his family Noah built the ark by faith Heb 11:7 It was over a 120 year period Gen 6:3 He had to endure a lot and still be righteous 2 Pet 2:5 Salvations Sure Plan
The Plan - Its Particulars Í It was faithfully followed Gen 6:22 Noah trusted God enough that he did what God said -- all of it Faithfulness is always characterized by obedience to Gods word Salvations Sure Plan
The Plan - Its Pertinence To Us The Bible offers an application for us today of Noah and the flood he faced 1 Pet 3:20-21 Baptism is an antitype Ù A thing formed after some pattern; a thing that resembles another Baptism & Noahs flood played similar roles Both saved 1 Pet 3:20 Mk 16:16 Both destroyed Gen 6:17 Rom 6:3-7 Acts 22:16
Salvations Sure Plan The Plan - Its Pertinence To Us Ê Our salvation plan is Divinely given cp. Jer 10:23 Mt 1:21 Acts 4:12 Ë Our salvation plan is minutely detailed God allows no additions or subtractions to it Gal 3:15 Heb 9:15-17 Just as Noah couldnt alter any details, man today must accept Gods details for our salvation
Salvations Sure Plan The Plan - Its Pertinence To Us Ë Our salvation plan is minutely detailed Faith Jn 8:24 Heb 11:6 Rom 10:17 Jas 2:24 Repentance Lk 13:3 Acts 3:19 17:30 Confession Mt 10:32 cp. Acts 8:37 Baptism Mk 16:16 Acts 2:38 22:16 Afterwards, Faithfulness 1 Cor 15:1-2 Rev 2:10
Salvations Sure Plan The Plan - Its Pertinence To Us Ì Our salvation plan must be believingly received cp. 2 Kings 5:11-12 Acts 2:40-41 Jas 1:21 Í Our salvation plan must be faithfully followed Heb 5:8-9
When discussing salvation today, many like to read Eph 2:8-9 and skip over v. 10 Noah was saved by grace through faith Saved Ù 1 Pet 3:20 Grace Ù Gen 6:8 Faith Ù Heb 11:7 Salvations Sure Plan Conclusion Will you be saved like Noah, using Gods plan for you?