Scott, This is the basic layout and images I will be adding color to all And unique graphic icons (the yellow graphic) To show what elements are changing from Theme to theme
Master Planned Content Achieve Differentiation with minimal change Cherokee Durango Commander
Master Planned ContentCherokee Emphasize unique parts only in areas most aware to the consumer Achieve Differentiation with minimal change I know we talked about Moving this down but lets Just say there will be a common Hole in the upper and each handle Will have unique bezel
Master Planned Content Achieve Differentiation with minimal change Commander Emphasize unique parts only in areas most aware to the consumer I know we talked about Moving this down but lets Just say there will be a common Hole in the upper and each handle Will have unique bezel
Master Planned Content Achieve Differentiation with minimal change Durango Emphasize unique parts only in areas most aware to the consumer I know we talked about Moving this down but lets Just say there will be a common Hole in the upper and each handle Will have unique bezel