WX Mentoring Program Interviewing: Best Practices December 8, 2011 US
1 FORMAT OF TONIGHTS PROGRAM Part One (20-30 minutes) – group session; discussion of general best practices Part Two (20 minutes) – sector break-out groups Development – Jane Greenblatt Private Equity – Ione Permison Asset Management – Jennifer Stewart Finance – Carmen Bowser Part Three (20-30 minutes) – one on one sessions (mentors and mentees) mock mini-interview resumé review NOTE: Next program is January 31, 2012
2 WRITTEN INTERVIEW MATERIALS – Cover letter Brief Indicate specific interest in firm/position – Resume Easy to read Emphasizes facts relevant to your career goals No exaggerations No gaps – Deal sheet – Transcript/writing sample Customary for the position sought/relevant to the requirements of the position – Have your university career center, headhunter, friend, or industry contact review resume – No typos
3 PREPARING FOR AN INTERVIEW – Researching the company/applicable department Industry contacts Online research of company and interview process (glassdoor.com) Company website Social media (Linked In, Facebook) Alumni network – Understanding the companys interview format and process – Researching the interviewers – Researching the industry/competitors – Preparing your questions Future growth/direction of company Overall responsibilities for the position Opportunities for promotion and advancement Organizational structure/chain of command What do you need to know to determine whether this is the position for you? – Preparing responses to anticipated questions
4 PREPARING RESPONSES TO ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS INTELLIGENCE QUESTIONS – Describe a problem or situation that best demonstrates your analytical skills. – Give me an example of a problem you solved or solution you devised of which you are particularly proud. – Tell me about a problem you had to solve with very little background information, direction or supervision. Describe to me how you went about the process. – Describe a project where you did not find an answer. How did you keep yourself motivated? – Tell me about a situation where you had to communicate a piece of negative information. How did you go about doing this?
5 PREPARING RESPONSES TO ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS PROFESSIONALISM QUESTIONS – Describe a project you had to finish that was tedious and boring. How did you keep yourself motivated? – How has your previous work experience prepared you for this position? – Give me an example of your work style. – For students: Why did you choose the extracurricular activities that you did? What did you gain? What did you contribute? How do you prioritize school and work responsibilities? Describe your typical week.
6 PREPARING RESPONSES TO ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS PROFESSIONALISM QUESTIONS (contd) – What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction, and why? What professional goals have you set for yourself? How do you plan on achieving them?
7 PREPARING RESPONSES TO ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS TEAM-ORIENTED FOCUS QUESTIONS – Tell me about a situation where you had to work with a group of people whose working styles were very different. How did you manage this? – Have you ever worked with a difficult client, co-worker or peer? How did you handle the situation? – What is the most useful criticism youve ever received? What did you learn? – Tell me about a situation where you helped a colleague achieve a goal. – How do you build trust with clients or colleagues? – Describe an ideal working relationship with your colleagues.
8 IN THE INTERVIEW – Appearance – Demeanor – Interest level – Highlighting your strengths – Addressing your weaknesses – Listening to the interviewer and answering her questions – Interviewing with senior level personnel – Interviewing with junior level personnel – Staying on top of your game for a 3+ hour interview
9 AFTER THE INTERVIEW Interviewee – Follow up – Salary/benefits/title negotiation – Use your contacts – Letters of recommendation Interviewer – 360 evaluations – Internet search of interviewee – Review of recommendations