Planning and Development Committee West Corridor Update May 10, 2007
Since March Meeting RTD received a request in early April from the jurisdictions to postpone five VE items until the May board meeting. Federal Bridge Ped Bridges & Bike Path through the Park Single Track to Jeffco Changes to Drainage Plan Sheridan Station/Bridge
In Addition Auraria has request additional review time for the Auraria station changes Denver has requested RTD look at moving the Decatur station – as part of a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) opportunity.
Federal Blvd. Bridge Action: Further analysis with the CM/GC determined the barrel vault structure type is not feasible in this location. This is no longer a VE item. Current proposed structure type will be precast concrete box girder. Status: Need concurrence from CDOT and Denver on new design, CDOT on increased cost of bridge replacement.
Ped Bridges and Bike Path in Parks Original VE proposal was to eliminate the three pedestrian bridges through the park section in Denver. Also proposed to change the bike path material from concrete to asphalt. Action: Park Pedestrian bridges wont be eliminated and bike paths wont be changed. RTD to cover $1 M of ped bridges Park Mitigation Funds to cover $1 M of ped bridges Park Mitigation Funds to cover delta of $.5M for bike path Status – These VE proposals with stated changes are going to the RTD board on May 15
Single Track from DFC to Jeffco Single Track is an RTD operational issue, not a service level issue for Jeffco RTD was planning 15 minute frequencies with double track, no change with single track Ridership forecasts dont warrant a change in headways until after ??? Headways of 10 minutes could be attainable with additional passing track east of Colfax– estimated cost $3 million (2006$) 5 minute headways require double track, and additional bore under I-70 (estimated in Year ????) RTD will ensure that CDOT not preclude second bore if and when I-70 is rebuilt at this location.
Original plan was to bring all drainage improvements in the corridor to the 100 year event Issue: RTD cannot afford this in all locations and has proposed alternatives VE proposal to consider changes to design criteria – Will adhere to local jurisdiction and UDFCD design standards as a minimum – Maintain track and station operational effectiveness – Not impact adjacent property or public safety –Meet the requirements of the 100 year FEMA flood plan Changes to Drainage Plan
Drainage Plan Status: Met with stakeholders on March 27 Met with Denver and UDFCD on April 10 and May 8th to focus on resolution Continue to work with affected parties to discuss specific concerns Meetings continue to focus on individual area drainage issues
The original plan was to raise Sheridan Blvd and place light rail under the road, with the station directly below Sheridan Blvd. Challenge: The VE proposal is to leave Sheridan at its current location and build light rail on a bridge over the top of Sheridan, with the station on the west approach to Sheridan Blvd. VE proposal has been modified to increase clearance over Sheridan to allow future CDOT roadway improvements. VE savings reduced from $10.5 M to $7.7 M. Sheridan Station
$7.7 M funding shortfall for Sheridan $3.5 M from Park Mitigation Funds possible $4.2 M gap Possibilities for Funding the Gap 1.Money could be recouped from sale of the property necessary to build Sheridan over 2.Additional cost savings are being discussed on bridge traffic control and construction methodology Requires further discussion with stakeholders (Denver, CDOT) and the RTD Board Sheridan Station
Status Met with CDOT, Denver and Lakewood on April 30 to discuss Sheridan alternatives and funding options. Follow up meeting on May 14. Sheridan Station
Auraria Station RTD, Denver and AHEC need further discussion on station location vis-à-vis overall Campus Master Plan Decatur RTD and Denver are discussing relocating the station as part of a TOD opportunity. Discussions ongoing on cost implications. Possible private funding opportunity. Auraria and Decatur
Value Engineering Status The RTD Board will take action on 37 VE items on May 15. RTD will continue to work with the stakeholders on these remaining items. These items will go to the RTD board at the June 19 meeting. Single Track to Jeffco Changes to Drainage Plan Sheridan Station/Bridge Auraria Station Decatur Station
West Corridor Schedule
Mar-Jun 07Stakeholder design workshops (inc. VE) May 07- Rail Removal/Utility Relocation Apr 08 May 15RTD Board action on 37 of the 41 VE items May 16Groundbreaking Event/Rail removal May 19RTD Board retreat Review of FasTracks program including West Corridor budget June 19RTD Board action on remaining 4 items Schedule
July 07Informal Design Review (VE items only) Aug 07Draft EA released for comment & EA Public Hearing Sept 07EA Finalized and submitted for approval Oct 07FONSI from FTA Nov 0790% Design Submittal Nov 07FFGA Application Submittal Early 08Guaranteed Maximum Price Due Spr/Sum08Full Construction Begins Schedule Cont