Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge Commuter Plan Commuter Fund
Belgium for beginners Praktische toelichting –Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde Ontstaan in 1990 Mensen slimmer maken inzake verkeer –Rijbewijs op School Schooljaar : 763 scholen, leerlingen Veel vraag naar een vervolgproject voor de praktijk –Start to Drive Proefproject voor kandidaten
Activities FFT
jaar Lifelong learning Nursery and primary school Secondary school 18+ Senior drivers
Evolution number of cars
Main mode of transport in Flanders (in general)
Main mode of transport in Flanders (commuter traffic)
Ambitions Commuter Plan Commuter plan (2005) –Autosolism in commuter traffic from 70 to 60% –Cycling and public transport + 5% –Sustainable measures Concrete projects Not: preparatory studies, work-related traffic What to do with telework, satellite offices, laptops, mobile phones …
Commuter fund –Commuter fund (2007) –Budget: 2007: 8,29 million euro 2008: 5,74 million euro 2009: 2,74 million euro 2010: 2,59 million euro 2011: 2,45 million euro 2012: 2,45 million euro –Principle: one euro for one euro –Maximum four years –Engagement to continue the project
Commuter fund website
For who? Individual companies Groups of companies Local or provincial governments, in co-operation with a private partner Other private organisations or partnerships between private and public organisations
Kind of projects? New sustainable transport offer New infrastructure in the company Specific actions and measures
Criteria? First consultation between employees and employer New transport offer has to be complementary with existing services (private or public) Shared responsability of all stakeholders in the project Evaluation
Demand a clear problem description; a comparison between the possible solutions: e.g. cost total and aspects; effectiveness; organization; project description; timing of the project; innovatory; applicability of the project in other locations and cases; will the project be able to function independtly; feedback with the users; formal approval of the different partners; a budget for every year; written proof of consultation between employers and employees.
Support By the Provincial Mobility Points (PMP) PMP is the first step, before submitting a project at the commission PMP investigates if all conditions are met
Judgement Administrative – Flemish Government Qualitative – Commission Members: social partners, Flemish Government Decisions: consensus
In globo CallsAmountPositive Total 17790
Conclusion Evolution: from planning towards actions Support for companies and employees Companies and employees are interested
More info Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge Eddy Klynen Tel 0032(0) Louizastraat Mechelen Belgium