EU system for geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs Gent, 20.09.2013 Diederik DE SMEDT European Commission DG Agriculture and.


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Presentation transcript:

EU system for geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs Gent, 20.09.2013 Diederik DE SMEDT European Commission DG Agriculture and Rural Development Unit H2 – Agricultural product quality policy

Content 1. EU schemes 2. Benefits 3. Content of application 4. Statistics

1. EU schemes

Legislation Wines – Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 Spirits – Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 Agricultural products and foodstuffs - R(EU) No 1151/2012 (replaces R(EC) 510/2006)  This presentation will focus on agricultural products and foodstuffs

] PDO: Protected Designa- tion of Origin PGI: Protected Geographical Indication TSG: Traditional Specialty Guaranteed ] = Geographical Indications (GIs) BOB: een naam die een product aanduidt: a) dat afkomstig is uit een bepaalde plaats, een bepaalde streek of, in uitzonderlijke gevallen, een bepaald land; b) waarvan de kwaliteit of de kenmerken hoofdzakelijk of uitsluitend zijn toe te schrijven aan de specifieke geografische omgeving met haar eigen door natuur en mens bepaalde factoren, en c) waarvan alle productiestadia in het afgebakende geografische gebied plaatsvinden. Bijv.: Opperdoezer Ronde (NL), Comté(FR), Feta (EL) BGA: BGA: een naam die een product aanduidt: a) dat afkomstig is uit een bepaalde plaats, een bepaalde streek, of een bepaald land; b) waarvan een bepaalde kwaliteit, de faam, of een ander kenmerk hoofdzakelijk aan de geografische oorsprong ervan is toe te schrijven, en c) waarvan ten minste een van de productiestadia plaatsvindt in het afgebakende geografische gebied. Bijv. Gouda Holland (NL), Aceito balsamic di Modena (IT) GTS: naam van een specifiek product of levensmiddel dat: a) het resultaat is van een productiewijze, verwerkingswijze of samenstelling die in overeenstemming is met het traditionele gebruik voor dat product of dat levensmiddel, of b) is vervaardigd uit de traditioneel gebruikte grondstoffen of ingrediënten. Geen afgebakend grondgebied Bijv: boerenkaas (NL), oude geuze (BE), Jamon Serrano (ES)

Comparison PDO PGI TSG Name Link with geographical area (GA) Specific place, region or (exception) country Specific place, region or country ≠ Geographical Indication Link with geographical area (GA) Essentially or exclusive Quality, reputation or other characteristic No delimited GA. Traditional method of production or product composition. Production steps All in GA At least one in GA Anywhere Raw materials GA

GIs -2 types: PDO and PGI + + = geographical area 2. specific product 3. causal link = 4. PGI or PDO

PGI and PDO COMMON POINTS DIFFERENCES Type of products Geographical names Products have to fully originate in the region of which they bear the name Registration Procedure Protection level Controls DIFFERENCES Link to the geographical environment (stronger for PDO) Reputation (only PGI) Number of production steps to be realized in the region All raw materials originate from the region (only PDO)

Belgium Spirits (E-Spirits-drinks database) Agricultural products and foodstuffs (DOOR database) Wines (E-bacchus database)

Scope of Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 on Geographical Indications and Designations of Origin Agricultural Products: Fresh meat, dairy, honey, oils & fats, fruit & vegetables, fresh fish, spices Foodstuffs: beers, beverages from plant extracts, pasta, pastry, mustard paste, bread, cereal products Other agricultural products hay, cork, essential oils, wool, flowers & plants, wicker Not covered: Wines & Spirits, handcrafts products, mineral waters

New in Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 Scope: Extended to chocolate, leather, feather and fur – Art 2 Definitions: For PDO the fact that the name identifies a product originating from a "country" is still an exception. No longer the case for PGI (TRIPS adaptation) – Art 5(2) Use of the PDO and PGI logo: Becomes compulsory (3 years after entry into force of the Regulation) for products originating in the Union - Art 12(3) and 59. It is also allowed for products originating in third countries marketed under a name entered in the register – Art 12(6)

New in Regulation (EU) 1151/2012 Role of "Producer Groups": more explicitly mentioned (monitoring the name's use in trade, promotion activities, development of relevant economic expertise, etc.) – Art 45 Procedural delays significantly shortened Controls clarified (no change in substance): Clarification that the control shall cover two levels - Art 36(3): production level, before the product is placed on the market (respect of the specification) use of the registered name on the market

2. Benefits

Benefits - producer Name is reserved to products respecting the specification and are produced in a delimited geographical area (IP protection) Administrative protection by public authorities Name is not reserved to 1 single owner (TM), but can be used by all producers respecting the specification Differentiation on the market allows often a better price and better division of the added value

Benefits - consumer Has a guarantee on Origin of the product Quality of the product (specification) Authenticity of the product (no imitiation) Guarantee is assured by controls on production site and on the market. GIs prevents the standardization of food and offers a wider choice to consumers

Other benefits Rural development GIs encourage the preservation of: Biodiversity: plant, animal, … Local savoir-faire and tradition Landscapes => positive impact on tourism As an important part of our culture, GIs contribute to social cohesion, rural development

IP protection Protection to the NAME not to the product. Right to use: applies to ‘any operator’ respecting product specification Protection indefinite (but possibility of cancellation if no use for 7 years or if compliance with the product specification is no longer ensured)

3. How to apply?

Practicalities ‘producer group’ Specification Single document Control body Send via DOOR for agricultural products and foodstuffs

Essential elements of application Name Description of product Rules on labelling, packaging Geographical area Link between product and geographical area


Guide for applicants See:

4. Statistics

Overview DOOR: 1128 GI names for agricultural products and foodstuffs (and 40 TSG) E-Bacchus: 1561 GIs for wines E-Spirit-Drinks: 331 GI names for spirits

Overview registrations per country (agricultural products and foodstuffs - state of play 11.09.2013 – total =1128)

Overview registrations per country (agricultural products and foodstuffs - state of play 11.09.2013 – total =40)

Overview registrations per country (Wine - state of play 30. 04 Overview registrations per country (Wine - state of play 30.04.2013 – total =1561)

Overview PDO/PGI per sector (11.09.2013 - n=1128)

Sales value Sales value of EU GIs: €54.3 billion in 2010 (estimated at wholesale stage in the region of production) 5.7% of the total EU food and drink sector Estimate of EU GI exports value: € 11.5 billion 15% of EU food and drink industry exports

Value GIs (2010) Source: Study done by AND-international in 2012 for European Commission, DG AGRI

Value premium rate in the EU27 by scheme The premium a GI can expect from the market, compared to non-GI products  on average, the price of a GI product is 2.23 times the price of a comparable non-GI products Value premium rate in the EU27 by scheme /!\ does not reflect value added and profitability of the GI schemes as it does not take into account the additional cost of compliance with GI specifications

Conclusion Geographical indication: identifies authentic, quality product, with intrinsic link to its place of production helps consumer choice gives robust IPR protection marketing tool

More information Agricultural products and foodstuffs Council and European Parliament Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012 Quality policy web-pages: Wines General website Questions?