Local Geography: Wright County Approaching 1880 Grade 8 Buffalo Community Middle School Fall 2009
Life in the Big Woods
Pioneer Life
Buffalo Fish
Little Mountain?
= Monticello
Mississippi River Dock 1880s
Mississippi Steam Boats 1880s
Log-jam in Mississippi 1880s
Logs in Mississippi
Log Drivers
Wright Countys Population , , ,104
Wright County 1880
1880 Hypothesis Brainstorm how the changes in technology and transportation will effect where people choose to settle Predict what the three largest cities in Wright County will be in 1880? Be prepared to explain and defend your selections with at least three reasons to rest of class
1880 Hypothesis Look at previous list of settlement factors from 1850s. Will the same factors be important? Do your selections have things in common? EXPLAIN your reasons (dont make lists) Rivers? (which one, what will it be used for)