Africa Needs Solutions - Not Products!
Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya GDP GROWTH 2012 Kenya4.7% Tanzania6.5% Uganda4.9% Arusha solutions
Syndicate for Successful Solutions Africa - Current Facts (McKinsey) – Worth Repeating GDP = $1.6+ Trillion – Close to Brazils and Russias $900 Billion = Combined consumer spending 400 Million = New mobile phone subscribers since % = Share of worlds total uncultivated, arable land 52 = African cities with more than 1 million people 20 = African companies with revenues of at least $3 Billion The rate of return on foreign investment is higher in Africa than in any other developing region
Our Competitive Advantage / Value Proposition We cant compete on me too commodities but we have… Location and access Speed and convenience Ease of communication Logistics / supply-chain After sales service Attractiveness to buyers (to visit us) Perceived quality / technology Diversity of products and services Syndicate for Successful Solutions Customer
Syndicate for Successful Solutions A Cultural Adjustment for South African Businesses From prescriptive and paternalistic to… Listening and developing empathy The briefcase and brochure selling days are over We have to start talking to each other…more Were not selling drills…were selling holes and what goes into them! The need for full value-chain analysis – who are the players / who are the influencers? An holistic view requiring an holistic response
147 Border posts Food supply problems Morale issues Corruption Leakage No power SA / Kenya / Angola team solution Angola – Border Posts Example
Syndicate for Successful Solutions Joint Ventures / Investment Technology exchange Royalty agreements Franchising / Licensing Joint use of production facilities (outsourcing) Marketing each others products Finding Complimentary Intermediaries / Facilitators Its the Power of Partnerships Its about providing blended solutions – not selling stand-alone products or services Its International Trade…Not Exports!
Know Before You Go! – Pull / Push Market Pull vs Supply Side Push
The Hubs of Opportunity UK Trade & Investment – HVO Programme Bringing £600 Billion of new business to the UK economy Identifies major project opportunities at the feasibility stage Identifies decision makers / stakeholders - public & private sector plus multinational corporations Analyses the full requirements of the project/s Matches suppliers to the opportunity as a consortia Presents the total solution to the stakeholders including the involvement of foreign partners where gaps are identified Involves small, medium and large enterprises in the supply chain
Exploration Activities Logistical services Supply boat services Rig positioning Telecommunications Engineering & fabrication Electrical engineering services Lifting & rigging equipment Inspection/NDT & certification Supply of plant & equipment Labour brokers / recruitment agencies Medical supplies Equipment hire Chemical supplies Environmental services East & West Africa Exploration & Development The Hubs of Opportunity Oil & Gas Example
The Hubs of Opportunity Oil & Gas Example Uganda Confirmed wells - 7 Potential wells – 4 Planned field development Ghana Confirmed wells - 13 Potential wells – 4 Various field developments Tanzania Confirmed wells - 14 Potential wells – 8 Planned field development LNG export terminal Namibia Confirmed wells - 7 Potential wells - 11 Mozambique Confirmed wells - 10 Potential wells – 14 Planned field developments LNG export terminals Kenya Confirmed wells - 9 Potential wells – 10 Planned field developments Follow the Money!
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