Inclement Weather Driving Safety
Motor Vehicle Accidents Each year in this country, there are more than 41,000 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, according to the National Safety Council. There are also more than 2.4 million disabling injuries from these crashes, many of which occur during inclement weather driving conditions.
Inclement Weather Can Include: Rain, Thunderstorms, Flooding Night Driving Fog Windstorms Hail Ice and Snow
Best Advice For Driving in Bad Weather: Don’t drive at all if you can avoid it!!
Headlights On In Bad Weather!
Rain, Thunderstorms, Flooding Slow down, increase following distance Easy on the gas, brakes and steering If possible, avoid standing water Run defroster to keep windows clear Pull well off if you must, turn flashers on Never drive with flashers on!!
Hydroplaning No steering, braking, or power control……..
Rain, Thunderstorms, Flooding Hydroplaning Tire tread can’t scatter water fast enough Tire “floats” on a film of water Can occur on any wet road surface Most dangerous time is within the first ten minutes of a light rain – oil residue mixes with the rain to create very slippery road
If Your Vehicle Starts Hydroplaning Don’t panic Don’t slam on the brakes Do take your foot off the accelerator Do gradually apply the brakes
Tips To Avoid Hydroplaning Keep Tires Inflated Properly Slow down – Stay under 35 mph Stay out of outer lanes where water is Drive in tire tracks left by those in front Avoid hard braking Don’t make sharp or quick turns
Unfamiliar Conditions Business travel may take you to areas with unfamiliar driving conditions.
Snow, Hail and Ice Always carry an ice scraper – credit cards don’t work well enough.
Snow, Hail and Ice Slowing down gives you more reaction time, and makes your vehicle less likely to slide. Brake carefully. Slow down during the straight part of a road before a curve. Avoid sudden changes in speed or direction. Antilock brakes need constant, firm pressure
Night Driving Slow down a bit – your vision is impaired Increase following distance Dim high beams if there is other traffic
Foggy Conditions Stay to the right of the roadway Remember, Headlights On Use only low beams to reduce reflection
Driving in High Wind Conditions Trailers, vans, and high-profile vehicles can be dangerous to drive or be near.
Tornados, Hurricanes Never try to outrun a tornado. Find shelter. Hurricanes give plenty of warning. Don’t wait until the last minute to evacuate if you have to.
Distractions… Driving during great weather while eating, drinking, talking or texting is extremely dangerous. Mixing these activities with bad weather is just plain dumb – don’t risk it. You need to focus all your attention on driving.
Be Prepared for unexpected bad weather - Keep Your Vehicle “Up to Speed” Get a tune-up. Check hoses and belts. Check the battery. Connections clean and tight Securely mounted – holders can corrode If over three years old, test, replace if weak Check the heater and defroster Important for keeping windshield clear Check the rear defroster too
Keep Your Vehicle “Up to Speed” Have brakes checked. Have an expert evaluate them for safety Check exhaust system for leaks. Have an expert look at this system also Carbon monoxide leaks can be fatal Check fluids Windshield washer – Front and Rear Oil, brake, clutch, radiator, transmission
Keep Your Vehicle “Up to Speed” Evaluate the wiper blades Replace when they start to harden or squeak Consider upgrading to rubber coated snow blades to handle extra weight of wet snow
Tires Are Your Link to the Road Check All the Tires Tire Pressure Tread Depth
Always Carry an Emergency Kit Warning Flares or Triangles Blankets/Emergency Blankets Gloves Flashlight and Batteries First Aid Kit and Fire Extinguisher Jumper Cables Snacks, candle, matches Roll of Duct Tape
Inclement Weather Driving Summary Don’t drive at all if you can avoid it Make sure your vehicle is in top repair Carry an emergency kit in the vehicle. Turn headlights on Help maintain vehicle control by slowing down, braking and steering cautiously
Watch out for the unexpected!