Biotech Applications in Livestock Production Sperm cells sorted by flow cytometry based on X/Y chromosome. Expensive! Transgenics – pharming: manufacture expensive hormones and vaccines. Cloning – see slide of Dolly DNA-based genetic eval.: use DNA markers in calculation of EPD.
Biotechnology Definition The science of altering genetic and reproductive processes in plants and animals
Two areas Genetic engineering Reproductive systems
Genetic Engineering is based on a technology involving recombinant DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
Genetic Engineering involves taking a tiny bit of DNA containing the desired gene from one organism and splicing it into the DNA strand of another organism
Genetic Engineering purpose - to have the recipient organism take on the characteristic controlled by the transferred gene
Genetic Engineering
Examples disease resistant animals growth regulators BST & PST new drugs and vaccines Identification / parentage testing
Examples specify size and sex of animals DNA-based genetic evaluation organism that “eats” oil used in the Persian Gulf
Examples What are we going to look at? BST PST Cloning Semen Sexing
BST Bovine Somatotropin (Bovine Growth Hormone) Somatotropins are proteins that affect the utilization of energy in the body Mainly used in the dairy industry
BST Introduced in the early 1980’s and tested on over 20,000 cows Finally Approved on November 5, 1993
BST causes energy derived from feed to be used for milk production rather than weight gain
BST does not reduce energy available for body maintenance increases energy available by improving breakdown of fat and increasing appetite
BST Small amounts of BST are produced naturally in the cow by the pituitary gland
BST Previously, the only source of BST for research has been from pituitary glands of dead cows Now, because of genetic engineering, large quantities of BST can be produced
BST Gene that controls BST production is spliced into the DNA of a bacteria “Agrobacteria” Is injected into a cow
BST causing increased BST production in the cow
BST research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University in New York has showed possible increases of 40% over lactation (305 days)
Formula 20,000# X 40% = 8000# of extra milk 8000# @ $10/cwt =$800
Porcine Somatotropin is produced naturally by the pituitary gland of the pig it acts as a growth regulator
PST production decreases as an animal matures
PST produced through rDNA technology
PST how it works A. causes an increase in cell division in muscle tissue.
PST B. causes decrease in fat storage and increases in accumulation of protein. C. improves feed efficiency and decrease fat deposition
Results A. increase in feed efficiency 29% B. increase daily gain 19% C. increase loin eye area 12% D. decreases fat 33%
Disadvantage Labor and cost Must be injected daily
Cloning Cloning is the process of making a identical duplicate of one individual.
Cloning Very controversial Ethical? Personal Opinions?
Cloning Discovered by accident while doing research on fertility in human embryos in 1993 Animals had been previously cloned during embryonic research in 1986
Cloning Dolly Gene
Cloning Animals have been cloned and threatening to use in humans. Involves taking DNA and reproducing an animal/human from one sample of DNA.
Cloning Started in Lab rats and then moved to sheep “Dolly” “Gene” Life expectancy is uncertain
Cloning Advantages (when works) Maintain Superior Animal Save endangered species Maximize profits Know what kind of animal you are going to get
Cloning Disadvantages Life expectancy Moral concerns Idea that we are going to create 100 Abraham Lincoln’s Little research due to regulations
Cloning So…where are we going with cloning?
Cloning Factory Farming Attempt to clone large group of chickens August 15, 2001
Cloning “Billions of clones could be produced each year to supply chicken farms with birds that all grow at the same rate, have the same amount of meat and taste the same''
Cloning Future Government regulations are restrictive Not very promising Personal Opinions
Semen Sexing Determining sex of animal before animal is born Work with X and Y chromosome
Semen Sexing Two ways A. Extract one cell from an early embryonic stage and with the use of a DNA probe, one can determine the sex
Semen Sexing B. sorting of semen, one sperm at a time, into males and females detecting by laser beam X sperm glows brighter
Semen Sexing Advantages Can eliminate unwanted sex Maternal over Terminal Females vs. Males
Semen Sexing Disadvantages Cost Labor Limited Sources Accuracy
Genetic Engineering Questions on genetic engineering? BST PST Cloning Semen Sexing