商务英语 Unit 1 Customers 教材:新视野商务英语(上)
Unit 1 Customers Objectives Key vocabulary Lead-in Language focus Skills Business communication Homework
Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to providing information on customers and service collecting information on customers and service.
Language focus Direct and indirect forms Pronunciation : weak and strong form
Skills Writing: capital letters Reading: kwit-Fit advertisement Listening: customer service
Key vocabulary 1.customer: a person or organization who buys goods or services from a shop, business, etc. e.g. The new shop across the road has taken away most of my customers. 马路对面那家新的商店把我的大部分顾客都抢走了。
shopper(购物者):when people go out to buy things in shops, they are shoppers. customers(顾客):when people buy things from a particular shop they are that shop’s customers. client(委托人): if you are paying for professional services, e.g. from a lawyer or a bank, you are client, but in the case of medical service, you are a patient.
3. goods: articles for sale 商品,货物 e.g. There’s a large variety of customer goods in the shops. frozen goods: 冷冻商品 4. service: things that are provided by business that do not manufacture products, e.g. banking, hotels e.g. You did me a great service by showing me the truth. 你把实情告诉我,这对我很有帮助。
5. loyalty: being true and faithful e.g. can I count on your loyalty? 你对我的忠诚能让我信得过吗? 6. Repeat business: a customer is happy with the service received from a company and comes back again. 7. Customer loyalty: the customer frequently uses the same company or buys the same product. 8. Code of practice: a set of rules telling people what they can expect a company to. 9.Customer care: what companies do to satisfy their customers.
Lead-in Read the text produced by three different companies and answer the questions. What does each company offer the customer? What other examples of good customer care can you think of?
Direct and indirect questions 直接疑问句和间接疑问句 Use We usually use direct questions to get information. 通常用直接疑问句来获得信息 e.g. How much does it cost? e.g. Does the company have a code of practice? 1
间接疑问句通常提出“难”问题或私人问题,或者表示礼貌 We use indirect questions to ask ‘difficult’ or personal questions or when we want to be polite. 间接疑问句通常提出“难”问题或私人问题,或者表示礼貌 e.g. Could you tell me what qualifications you have? e.g. Can you tell me where I go to a refund? 2
!BUT we do not use the auxiliary do with the verb to be. FORM Direct questions: present simple tense 直接疑问句:一般现在时 We form direct questions with the auxiliary do. 由助动词do构成直接疑问句。 e.g. Where do you shop? !BUT we do not use the auxiliary do with the verb to be. 但助动词to be 不用助动词do e.g. Where is the customer service desk? 3
Wh-/How questions特殊疑问句 Question words auxiliary verb subject verb 疑问句 助动词 主语 动词 How much does it cost? With be 带动词be的特殊疑问句 Question words verb subject 疑问词 助动词 主语 How much is it? 4
Yes/No questions一般疑问句 Aux subject verb 助动词 主语 动词 助动词 主语 动词 Do I/you/we/you/they work? Does he/she/it work? With be 带动词be的一般疑问句 To be subject主语 Am I/you/we/you/they OK? Is he/she/it OK? 5
Indirect questions: present simple tense 间接疑问句:一般现在时 Wh-/how questions特殊疑问句 Polite introduction question word (s) subject verb 表示礼貌 疑问词 主语 动词 Could you tell me how much it costs? 6
Polite introduction question word(s) subject verb 表示礼貌 疑问词 主语 动词 With to be带动词的特殊疑问句 Polite introduction question word(s) subject verb 表示礼貌 疑问词 主语 动词 Could you tell me how much it is? Yes/No questions一般疑问句 Polite intro if subject verb 表示礼貌 if主语 动词 Could you tell me if I/you/we/you/they work? Could you tell me if he/she/it works? In indirect Yes/No questions we use if. 在间接疑问句的一般形式中使用if。 7
Pronunciation: Weak and strong forms /du/ Weak Strong 1. Do you have fitness classes as well? Yes, we do. 2. Do you offer an introductory session? Yes, we do. 3. Do you have a swimming pool? Yes, we do. 4. Do you have a code of practice? Yes, we do.
Reading 1.Puncture: small hole made by sth. Sharp sep. one made accidently in a pneumatic tyre 补胎 2.Premises: statement on which reasoning is based. 3.Valve: (sort 0f ) mechanical device for controlling the flow of air, liquid or gas into or through a tube, pipe etc, by opening or closing a passage. 气门 4.Exhaust: ( outlet, in an engine or machine, for) steam, vapour etc that has done its work exhaust pipe 排气管
Puncture repair service Exercise 1 Open _______ days per week. _____________________ Free __________________________ _________ tyre-fitting Extended ______________ 7 independence Puncture repair service express guarantees
Listening Customer service 2. Stephen is ______ to First Direct because they are extremely _____________. He can do his banking over the _________ at any time of the day; he can find out how much there is in his _______ and he can pay his ________. He also thinks the staff are very ________ and very ________. loyal convenient to me phone account bills friendly professional
Writing: capital letters Read the lists below. When do we use capital letters? Dr Yemeh, Ms Perez, Pro. Brown, Sir David, Danuta Lochowski The Customer Service Manager, the Personnel Director Oxford Street, the Champs Elysees London, Paris, Tokyo, New York the River Thames, Mount Etna, the Black Forest Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, April, September, June Christmas Day, Ramadan, New Year Finland, Brazil, Fin, Brazilian, Finnish, Brazilian the Ritz Hotel, the Guggenheim Museum, the British Museum First Direct, BA, Coca-Cola a CD, a TV, a BMW, a VW, An XR3i
Homework and checklist for Unit 1: What does customer loyalty mean? Give two examples of good customer care. what does British Airways offer its customer? What does First Direct bank offer its customers? Change this direct question into an indirect question: Do you have a code of practice?