David M. Callejo Pérez & Sebastían R. Díaz West Virginia University Reporting Student Progress
Occurs All Day LongDrives TeachingNot Subject SpecificIncludes the Learners Life Engages Learners, Teachers, and Parents, Collectively Based on Developmental Standards Engages Teachers, Learners, Parents, and Administrators to Take Ownership of School Performance Focuses on the Whole Person
Assessment is the process of gathering evidence of learning integrated with the curriculum. Examples include: social interchanges cooperative work written and oral responses creative work recreation activities in and out of school and interpersonal skills
Teachers assess for learning when they: Clear understanding of learning goals/outcomes Relate these understandings to their students Construct learning activities that yield rich assessment data Incorporate assessment information into descriptive feedback to increase students understanding of the learning experience Adjust teaching, goals, objectives, approaches based on findings from ongoing research Teach students to assess themselves to initiate some metacognitive processes Develop students ability to articulate their current level of knowing
Suggestions for developing school wide strategies to develop and use assessment Workshops that build on teachers interests and knowledge Team meeting where teachers/administration discuss student learning and assessment Individual study, classroom practice, and reflection
What is the Impact of Data and Learning and Teaching? How Should We Organize and Preserve All This Data? How Should we Collect and Evaluate It? What Assessment Data Should we Collect?
What is Student Work? It is more than benchmarks, it is the foundation of growth toward standards. Significance is not determined by the size but by what it represents. Worthy artifacts can show: Breakthroughs or ahasskills or strategies that were confused are now performed well. Solid demonstration of a target goal Unique insights Creative thinking Problem solving Connections made to self, others, texts, world Diverse Populations require diverse work samples.
Criterion-Referenced Measures Compares the student to the instructional Aim, rather than to others (Norm-Reference Test) Teacher-created tests can be more accurate because of the teacher-student relationship Running Records Rubrics A Retelling Rubric and Holistic Journal Rubric Formative and Summative Rubrics Present the Evidence
What Does it Mean? Educational Threads.
Social Compact of Assessment Assessment is a process, a series of authentic conversations, which are public and open. Learners Teachers Administrators Community Politicians