System Software Design Frank Mirabelli
Motorola MC9S12DP512 Bus Frequency 24 MHz Available Memory 512K bytes Flash EEPROM, 4K bytes EEPROM, 14K bytes RAM Required Memory 10K bytes ROM 5K bytes RAM 256K bytes of Flash MicroC/OS-II Real-time preemptive multitasking kernel 1 ms tick period
Start TaskPriority: 4 Button TaskPriority: 5 WB TaskPriority: 6 Sensor TaskPriority: 7 Display TaskPriority: 8 Logger TaskPriority: 9 Clock TaskPriority: 10 Terminal TaskPriority: 11
Creates other tasks Initializes MicroC/OS, Clock, LED, and LCD Priority: 4 Period: Executes only once at startup Execution Time: ~ 200 ms (max)
Senses button presses Debounces buttons Priority 5 Period: 20 ms (periodic) Execution Time: 20 us (max) CPU Load: 0.1%
Controls the operation of the Wideband Sensor Heats and holds sensor in operating range Reads and stores A/F ratio reading Priority 6 Period 20ms (periodic) Execution Time: 1ms (max) CPU Load 5%
Reads and stores TPS, RPM, and EGT inputs Priority 7 Period 20ms (periodic) Execution Time: 100us (max) CPU Load 0.5%
Pulls data from sensor variables and output them to displays Controls communication to LCD, LED spectrum and 3 Digit displays Priority 8 Period 500ms (periodic) Execution Time: 10ms (max) CPU Load 2%
Pulls data from sensor variables and output them to stores in Flash Priority 9 Period 500ms (periodic – when running) Execution Time: 10ms (Logging) Execution Time: 50ms (Clearing) (max) CPU Load 10% (max)
Keeps track of Logger time Priority: 10 Period: 100 ms (Periodic) Execution Time: ~ 500 us (max) CPU Load: 0.5%
Outputs Logger data to Computer Priority 11 Period 20ms (periodic) Execution Time: 20us (normal operation) Execution Time: 20ms (Downloading) CPU Load 100% Note: Lowest priority task, will not block when downloading Note: downloads RARELY happen
L max = (20 us) + (1 ms) + (100 us) + (10ms) (20 ms) (20 ms) (20 ms) (500ms) + (500us) + (500us) + (20us) (100ms) (20ms) (100ms) L Max = 100% L Average = 17.5%
ModuleTasksFunctionsGlobal Variables Main.cStart Task Sensor Task WB Task Display Task Logger Task GetTime()EGTVal WBVal TPSVal RPMVal User.cTerminal Task Button Task UserInit() Getchar() Putstrng() Clock.cClock TaskEnableFlag() ClearFlag() SetTimeHrs() SetTimeMins() SetTimeSecs() LED.c Tod Morton (Modified) LEDInit() LEDDisp() LEDSpec() LCD.c Tod Morton All LCD Functions ProsEeprom.c Freescale/Tod Motron ConfigECLKDIV EEWordWrite EESectErase