A Look at e-Marketing over the next 5 years: The things that will make you go: Hmmmm 4:00pm – 5:15pm Rodney L Joffe
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 2 Objectives: 1994 Define the issues and segments Describe the changes in technologies Describe social issues Discuss the impact of both on marketers Q & A
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 3 One Final Objective: Avoid Making a Fool of Myself!
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 4 Issues and Segments Technology: Computing Communication Robotics Convergence Sci-fi Human and Social Issues Soapbox
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 5 Computing Hardware Size Watches Nokia 8860 Sony Vaio Rim PDAs Quantum Computers
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 6 Computing: Hardware Power 1 ghz 2 gb memory Other forms of computers Sensors
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 7 Computing: Software New generations of languages Java XML New applications All web enabled New operating systems Optimized for networking
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 8 Computing: Directories Domain Names Truenames®
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 9 Communication Network capacity Current capacity – OC-192 or 10 Gb/s Current production – 400 Gb/s Current Test Bed: Bell Labs transmits at 3.2 Tb/s over 180 miles All on a SINGLE fiber QWEST build: 96 fibers Genuity: 24 of the 96 By end of 2000, 500 strands around the US
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 10 Communication Wireless Radio frequency at 1 gb/s Optical through the air at 10 gb/s Ethernet at 44 mb/s What about the future? Bluetooth
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 11 Robotics Medicine Remote operations High accuracy surgery Micro-surgery Dangerous environments Remote facilities Difficult to reach
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 12 Convergence PDA Phone TV Computer
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 13 Sci-Fi Technologies Imbedded sensors Passive Body Cavity Searches Proximity scanners
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 14 Human and Social Issues Globalization Reduced distance Removed borders Privacy Proxies Cloaking Anonymizers Personal Profiles
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 15 Soapbox The good effects Global and personal Freedom Availability of information Leveling of playing field The bad effects Availability of misinformation Lack of oversight A Dark Age is Possible
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 16 So what should e-Marketers do? Dont take a knife to a gun fight!
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 17 Things to think about: What kinds of companies have survived? Amazon? Priceline? Toysmart? Why? Why not?
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 18 Things to think about: How do people shop? How do they socialize? How do they share opinions? Where do they work? Home or office? Where do they live? Rural or Suburban? US or Abroad?
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 19 Things to think about: How will they pay for goods? How do YOU solve the problem of not necessarily having a website that people visit? How do you get to own the relationship? How can you communicate? Directly or by Proxy?
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 20 5 Things that make me go Hmmmm: Todays kids = tomorrows adults Old style Mom and Pop stores are coming back Overnight isnt instant gratification VC Funds have $billions – and dont like High Tech anymore Anoto pen
(c) 2000 Rodney L. Joffe The Best of e-Marketing 21 So what do YOU think will happen?