BODY head shoulder neck chest elbow hand arm belly, tummy wrist knee ankle head shoulder elbow arm wrist fingers bottom leg foot
FACE hair forehead eye eyebrow ear nose cheek mouth neck
BODY muscles bones
OUR BODY Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, and eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Arms and legs and feet and hands, feet and hands, Tummy, bottom, back and neck, back and neck,
CROSSWORD nos ruka chodidlo pusa břicho hlava prsty zápěstí
SOLUTION nos ruka chodidlo pusa břicho hlava prsty zápěstí N O S E H A F E E T M O U T H B E L L Y H E A D F I N G E R S W R I S T
DISCUSSION How can we care for our body? Do you take regular exercise? Which kind of sport do you prefer? Do you eat fruit and vegetables? Do you eat regulary?
Songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkHQ0CYwjaI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgHZWccYxRA
ZDROJE BOY1.jpg, 14. 4. 2013, 10:47, http://www.3dcartoonmodels.com/2012/02/rigged-cartoon-kid-01.html body1.jpg, 14. 4. 2013, 10:48, http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/rigged-cartoon-woman-character-max/681972 Body.jpg, 14. 4. 2013, 10:36, http://www.gandoza.com/www.gandoza.com?aspxerrorpath=/default.aspx Skeleton.jpg, 14.4. 2013, 9:32, http://www.123rf.com/photo_8673438_very-funny-cartoon-skeleton-3d-rendering-and-shadow-over-white.html muscles.jpg, 14. 4. 2013, 9:37, http://art-databank.ru/search.php?id=27418