Improving Student Academic Achievement and Closing Achievement Gaps Bringing Improvement to Scale at All Grade Levels
“Getting the job done” for our public schools means setting high expectations to get all students to a minimum of grade level proficiency. This will ensure they are ready for college and/or ready for the workforce.
The key starting point in improving California’s public schools is data. Since our kids can’t wait years and because by its own admission, the CDE is years and tens of millions of dollars away from building a data system… CBEE has partnered with Just for the Kids-CA
Just for the Kids-California Built and paid for by the CA Business community at no cost to government or schools Publicly available data from more than 9,300 schools Complete student level records from 3,500 volunteer schools 40% of all student level data in the state Largest academic performance database in the nation
Now for the first time we have data to use as a tool to improve our schools. And this is how we use the data to find out what is happening in our schools.
… we can make comparisons among look-a-like schools
… from there we can find higher performing, comparable schools
… we can measure improvement over time by each grade and subject
… we can measure strands of the CST and benchmark against higher performers
… we can measure achievement gap reduction over time
…we can see who is outperforming expectations Stagg Street Elementary
… we can benchmark across the district by school, grade and subject
…we can measure “college readiness” for high schools through CSU Early Assessment Program results
…and backward map performance on the CST for those who are proficient on the EAP
Data must be used to find and implement best practices. We find schools that look just like yours and then connect you to them to learn from their proven strategies…
a “Best Practices Network” and collection of research and examples of practices based upon “what works” a way to find local and state high performing schools with the goal of visiting and learning from them an accountability system as a useable tool for school improvement Inform Improve Inspire through…
Disseminating Results JFTK Best Practice Study Process Source: National Center for Educational Accountability and Just for the Kids
Core Beliefs about Teaching and Learning Organizational Knowledge Resource Allocation Local Influences, Relationships, Communication Define and Unpack Specific Academic Objectives by Grade and Subject Provide Strong Instructional Leaders, HQ Teachers, and Aligned PD Provide Scientifically Based, Evidence-Based Instructional Programs Develop Student Assessment and Data Monitoring Systems: Monitor School Performance Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on School Performance Focus School Plan on Explicit Improvement of Performance on Academic Objectives Select, Develop, and Allocate Staff Based on Student Learning Ensure the Use of Scientifically Based, Evidence-Based Programs, Practices, and Arrangements in every Classroom Monitor Teacher Performance and Student Learning Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on Teacher and Student Performance Ensure Teaching Content is based on Specified Academic Objectives Collaborate in Grade/Subject Level Teams focused on Student Work Use Scientifically Based, Evidence-Based Programs, Practices, and Arrangements Monitor Student Learning Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on Student Performance
Focus School Plan On Explicit Improvement of Performance on Academic Objectives Assure Teaching Content is based on Specified Academic Objectives Define and Unpack Specific Academic Objectives by Grade and Subject Theme: Curriculum and Academic Goals JFTK Best Practice Framework
Performance Level Low High Middle “Haven’t we already done this?” “We use the state standards. They are clear. We trust our teachers enough not to have to spell them out any more specifically.” “There is ALWAYS work to be done to further understand and interpret the standards— especially in terms of the rigor and student work expectations for each standard.” Theme: Curriculum and Academic Goals JFTK Best Practice Framework
K Grade Level Teacher Impact 100% 50% 33.6% 25% 20% 16.6% 14.3% 12.5% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7.7% Teacher Accountability 7.7% 15.4% 23.1% 30.8% 38.5% 46.2% 53.9% 61.6% 69.3% 77% 84.7% 92.4%100% 46.2%23.1%30.7% School Impact 100% District Impact Theme: Curriculum and Academic Goals JFTK Best Practice Framework
Select, Develop, and Allocate Staff based on Student Learning Provide Strong Instructional Leaders, Highly Qualified Teachers, and Aligned Professional Development Collaborate in Grade/Subject Level Teams focused on Student Work Theme: Staff Selection, Leadership, and Capacity Building JFTK Best Practice Framework
Rich and Deep Staff Selection Systems Specific programs to develop quality teacher and principal candidates Heavy emphasis on internal development of future leaders Extensive partnerships with colleges and universities to encourage students to pursue teaching careers Identification of staff who are “right” for school Theme: Staff Selection, Leadership, and Capacity Building JFTK Best Practice Framework
Aligned Professional Development Data-driven Content-and process-oriented Job-embedded/Individualized Classroom-based/Collaborative Continuous and ongoing improvement strategies Heavily aligned to standards and to chosen instructional resources Theme: Staff Selection, Leadership, and Capacity Building JFTK Best Practice Framework
Assure the Use of Scientifically Based, Evidence-Based Programs, Practices, and Arrangements in every Classroom Provide Scientifically Based, Evidence- Based Instructional Programs Use Scientifically Based, Evidence- Based Programs, Practices, and Arrangements Theme: Instructional Programs, Practices, and Arrangements JFTK Best Practice Framework
Mixture of Prescription and Autonomy Tight and Loose Governance Instructional Time Grouping Models Instructional Planning Time/Collaboration Basic Instructional Programs Instructional Strategies Use of Data for Decision-Making Specific and Measurable Improvement Goals Theme: Instructional Programs, Practices, and Arrangements JFTK Best Practice Framework
Monitor Teacher Performance and Student Learning Develop Student Assessment and Data Monitoring Systems: Monitor Student Performance Monitor Student Learning Theme: Monitoring-Compilation, Analysis, and Use of Data JFTK Best Practice Framework
Strong Instructional Leaders Highly-Qualified Teachers Aligned Professional Development Evidence-Based Tools and Resources …and then assuring that we have provided the necessary staff, tools, and resources for them to learn it, we must ask: After determining WHAT it is that all children are expected to learn by grade and subject, “How will we know if they have learned it?” Theme: Monitoring-Compilation, Analysis, and Use of Data JFTK Best Practice Framework
State: Assessment District: Benchmark Assessments School: Unit Tests Teacher: Daily Monitoring State: Assessment Teacher: Daily Monitoring Theme: Monitoring-Compilation, Analysis, and Use of Data JFTK Best Practice Framework
Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on Teacher and Student Performance Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on School Performance Recognize, Intervene, or Adjust Based on Student Performance Theme: Recognition, Intervention, and Adjustment JFTK Best Practice Framework
Strong Instructional Leaders Highly-Qualified Teachers Aligned Professional Development Evidence-Based Tools and Resources “What are we going to do if a student does not learn what we said he or she would learn in any particular grade or subject?” The most important question of all… Theme: Recognition, Intervention, and Adjustment JFTK Best Practice Framework
Time to Learn Resources and Support to Learn If learning the stated objectives is NOT going to vary among students, then what must vary? The Intervention Theme: Recognition, Intervention, and Adjustment JFTK Best Practice Framework
We can now find and recognize schools in every corner of the state that are getting the job done. Critical Elements for the Cycle of Improvement
Recognizes public schools that are consistently raising achievement and closing achievement gaps CBEE/JFTK-CA Honor Roll Provides these schools a voice to share their Best Practice so others can replicate what works
What if the practices in California’s schools should remain the same as they are today and the rate of improvement in our schools should not improve?
The answer is…
But, what if the rest of the schools in the state adopted the Honor Roll best practices? And, what would happen if all schools in the state experienced the same rate of improvement as the Honor Roll Schools?
The answer is…
Our work now is to recognize those getting the job done and give them a voice to explain their best practices for others to copy.
And where are these STAR schools?
What Can We Do? Locate and connect to Star schools in your area Form “Teaching Hospital” partnerships with high performers Place student teachers in STAR schools Use data and best practices to dispel myths and provide solutions
Improving Student Academic Achievement and Closing Achievement Gaps Bringing Improvement to Scale at All Grade Levels