The Circumference of a Circle Teaching Mathematics Visually and Actively The Circumference of a Circle Tandi Clausen-May
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The circumference of a circle
What is ? First we need (pi) Is it a number? Is it….. 3.1415926535897932384626433832 795028841971693993751058209749 445923078164062862089986280348 253421170679821480865132823066 470938446095505822172…...?
Well… not exactly. is a ratio.
So is a bit more than 3. once across twice across three times across Pi is the number of times you must travel straight across the circle to go the same distance as all the way round the circle. Click to see the paths once across twice across three times across and a bit further! So is a bit more than 3.
How can we be sure that is a bit more than 3? 2 1 3 For a regular hexagon, the distance all the way round is exactly 3 times the distance straight across the middle. Click to see the paths
Circumference = × Diameter And all the way round the circle is a little bit more than all the way round the hexagon. So all the way round the circle is a little bit more than 3 times straight across the middle. Click to see the paths Circumference = × Diameter
2 1 3 Summary Circumference = × Diameter Circumference = times the diameter Click to see the paths …and a little bit more Circumference = × Diameter
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