Learner Wellbeing Maintaining a healthy well being across transition and change.
Context for study Observations of children Children’s behaviour Apparent loss of skills What happens during transition to cause SOME children to lose their healthy wellbeing?
Transition Change in environment –Focus for learning changes Relationships change Child’s sense of self –Parents –Educators –Child
Transition Literature –Systemic issues –Child’s changing identity –No identification of what the child brings to the process of transition
Transition Big questions –What does the child bring to the transition process? This will help to inform curriculum –What is well being?
Dimensions of Wellbeing
Aspects of Dimensions Sense of meaning and purpose, altruism, Sense of connectedness Coping, autonomy, trust, attachment Curiosity, motivation, persistence Relationships, empathy, sympathy Nutrition, physical activity, physical safety
physical Segments (dimensions) of Wellbeing Emotional Cognitive spiritual social
Emotional coping autonomy trust attachment
Physical Nutrition physical activity physical safety
Spiritual beliefs values sense of meaning and purpose altruism sense of connectedness
social relationships positive social behaviour empathy sympathy
cognitive curiosity motivation persistence memory thinking intelligence
physical Dimensions of Wellbeing Emotional Cognitive spiritual social
Core elements of an effective learner Bertram and Pascal(2002) Dispositions to learn Social Competence and Self concept Emotional Wellbeing Relationships Self respect Self worth Assertiveness Empathy Vitality Sense of humour Relationships Self respect Self worth Assertiveness Empathy Vitality Sense of humour Self esteem Emotional literacy Connectedness Participation Assertiveness empowerment Self esteem Emotional literacy Connectedness Participation Assertiveness Empowerment Management of emotions Resilience, self motivation, independence, creativity,
Framework for Resilient Wellbeing. Created by Rosemary Roberts Companiable learning from birth to three years. Dimensions don’t work in isolation but are inextricably linked (foregrounding and backgrounding, Carr 2001).
Agency Learning dispositions Self regulation Identity Self esteem Autonomy Empowerment Pride Physical achievement Ability to influence
Belonging and Boundaries Attachment Security Trust Acceptance Expectations Routines Responsibilities Conformity
Communication Listening Talking Watching Movement Representation Touching Smelling Tasting
Zing! Eating Sleeping Coordination Exercise Being outside Keeping safe Laughing
What is the role of education today for the adults of tomorrow? “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future life” -Plato We have an enormous responsibility!!
What is the role of education today for the adults of tomorrow? Academic achievement? Life long healthy individuals? (nearly one in five Australians are affected by mental health issues. Almost 20% of children have mental problems. Wingfield 2002) Is it the role of early childhood educators to prepare children for ‘real school’ or for ‘real life’?
How healthy is the wellbeing of your community? The environments in which we work are communities of learners Research shows that early childhood educators (especially Kindergarten teachers) are at significant risk in terms of wellbeing. What are you doing to ensure a sense of wellbeing in your community of learners?