The Extended Essay An introductory guide, February 2005.
What is the Extended Essay? Independent personal research 4,000 words (Max) Written in English (except Group 2) Driven by student interest & initiative Guided by supervisor Essential core element of Diploma With TOK, scores max of 3 pts.
What can you gain from this process? Sense of achievement. 1. Academic challenge. 2. Self-directed learning. 3. New research skills. 4. Valuable drafting & writing skills.
What subjects can I do? Group 1 – English & World Literature Group 2 - Foreign languages - French,* German,* Spanish* (*to be written in that Group 2 language) Biology Business and organisation Chemistry Classical Greek and Latin Computer Science Design Technology Economics Environmental systems Geography
… continued History History IT in a global society IT in a global society Mathematics Mathematics Music Music Peace and conflict studies Peace and conflict studies Philosophy Philosophy Physics Physics Politics Politics Psychology Psychology Theatre Arts Theatre Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts World Religions World Religions
The Fascination of the Abomination: similarities and disparities between Heart of Darkness and Lord of the Flies. Pisa-Studie und das niedersachsische Schulsystem. Could Utilitarian ideas be used as a basis for ethical decisions regarding organ transplants today? To what extent did the careers of Jack Johnson and Joe Louis affect the racial climate in post 1900 America? Did Fermat really have a proof of his last theorem? A study on the evolutionary relation between leaves and petals based upon the pigments found in them using thin layer chromatography. Given its design and aims, will the Large Hadron Collider being built at CERN in Geneva justify the money being spent on it? How is Japanese society portrayed in the films 'Seven Samurai', 'Dolls', 'The Bridge Over the River Kwai' and 'Lost in Translation?
Role of your supervisor Encourage and support. Advise and guide. Monitor progress and authenticity. Complete a report at the end of the process.
Your supervisor will not.. Decide the topic for you Decide the topic for you Do the work for you Do the work for you Chase you to make appointments Chase you to make appointments Edit your draft essay… Edit your draft essay…
Where do I start? Think of a subject by Monday 21 st February. AJS to let him know of your choice. You can nominate a preferred supervisor. Youll then be allocated to a supervisor. In consultation with your supervisor, you should decide upon a topic by March 1 st. Start reading around your source material. Formulate a precise and manageable research question (by March 22 nd ). Discuss relevant techniques of gathering and analysing information/evidence/ data with your supervisor.
Extended Essay Timetable February EE Seminar. Choose a subject by Feb 21st. Youll then choose / be allocated to a supervisor. By March 1 st Define your topic after discussion with your supervisor. By March 22 nd Research question chosen (must be focussed and feasible). Start research. March – May Pursue research in consultation with supervisor. MayEvery student gives a short presentation on their chosen field of research to their TOK class. JunePut together your skeleton plan. Submit this to your supervisor by June 25 th. September 6Preliminary draft to supervisor. November 1Full draft of essay to supervisor. November 30Final draft (2 copies) handed to AJS.
Top tips Choose a subject that interests you. Keep the title well focussed and manageable. Use your EE Guide (see the full guide on the intranet). Address the Assessment criteria (A-L) closely. Keep in contact with your supervisor. Plan your time well: keep on top of your EE. (40 hours) Retain a sense of proportion. Stick to the deadlines. They are there to help you.
Extended Essay guide Full guide on the school network: X:\Academic\Upper\general\students\ Extended Essay guide (IBO)