S CHEDULE TimeActivities 3:15- 3:30Snack 3:30- 4:00Homework/ quiet activities 4:00- 4:10Bathroom 4:10- 5:00Outside Activities 5:00- 5:30Inside Activities 5:30- 6:00Technology/close up Before School 7:00-8:00Inside Activities
S NACK Students will start each day with snack. You may choose to provide your child with his or her own snack or have us provide your child with a snack. There will only be one snack option each day. It will include a small juice, water, or milk as well as a small snack item. An example would be: Monday: Pretzels and Juice Tuesday: Animal Crackers and Milk Wednesday: Cereal Bar and Milk Thursday: Yogurt and Juice Friday: Graham Crackers and Milk Please fill out a Snack Form for each child. These forms should be returned before you leave this evening.
H OMEWORK Children will be required to work on quiet activities during this time. This is a time to get work done and unwind from the day. In Kindergarten, the children will listen to a read aloud or do other quiet activities. In other grades children will work on homework or quiet activities. Staff will be available to assist students as necessary. However, this will not be a tutoring session. We encourage you to continue to review your child’s homework when he or she returns home.
O UTSIDE A CTIVITIES Weather permitting, we will go outside every day. Please make sure your child comes prepared with sneakers and appropriate clothing. We will have use of all play areas. Each group will be assigned one play area per day to ensure safe playing environment. Children will rotate through play areas during the week. There will be a focus on cooperative sports and activities.
I NSIDE A CTIVITIES Children will have the opportunity to work with teachers on group activities and cooperative games. Board games Team games Arts Crafts Music Technology
P ICK UP AND D ROP O FF PROCEDURES **B EFORE S CHOOL ** The before school program starts at 7:00 AM. You may drop your students off at the gym door until 7:50. After 7:50 you must park in the parking lot and walk your child in. Wake County Policy states that parents are required to enter the school to drop their children off for Before School Programs. Parents must sign their child in before leaving! To sign in and sign out, you will be required to initial next to your child’s name on the sign in or sign out chart.
P ICK UP AND D ROP O FF PROCEDURES **A FTER S CHOOL ** The after school program starts at 3:15. You may pick your students up in the cafeteria starting at 3:30. Per Wake County Policy you must park and enter the building through the exterior cafeteria doors to sign out your child. For safety purposes and a smooth dismissal, we would appreciate any pick-up changes via or note from your child.
L ATE P ICK - UP F EE $5.00 per 15 minutes after 6:00 p.m. $10.00 per 15 minutes after 6:30 p.m. Excessive instances of late pick-up may result in termination of program participation by the principal.
S CHEDULED E ARLY R ELEASE D AYS On early release days, the After School Program, which will start at the time of school dismissal and extend until regular closing time. Teacher Assistants and support personnel will run the program until teachers complete their staff development.
I NCLEMENT W EATHER P ROCEDURES If school closes early, the After School program will close early. For example, if the school closes one hour early, the after school program will close one hour early. If there is a delay, the Before School program will delay. For example, if school starts one hour late, the after school program starts one hour late. Exception to this procedure : Weather conditions that necessitate the immediate closing of the program. The decision will be decided by the principal. The After School Program will not operate if there is a cancellation of school.
I N C ASE OF I LLNESS If a child becomes ill, the parent, or designated adult, will be called to pick up the child as soon as possible. All parents should have/must provide an emergency number, which can be called if the parent cannot be reached. In addition, the name of the child’s family physician is kept on file at the program site.
D ISCIPLINE P ROCEDURES It is important that children respect themselves, other people, and property. Occasionally, children will need to be removed from a situation when they cannot act appropriately. The student may be taken to the office or another place to regain his/her composure. If problems with a child seem to arise frequently, the parent will be notified and a conference scheduled to discuss these concerns. Persistent and/or severe misbehavior may result in the child being withdrawn from the program. We must have a copy of the Discipline Policy and Behavior Management Policy with the parent’s signature in each child’s folder. Please be sure to check the list for your child’s name to see if we still need a form from you.
A S C ROCODILES WE CHOMP C Cooperative -Willingness and ability to work with others -Being a “team player” H Honest -Being trustworthy -Ownership over actions -Having integrity and the courage to do the right thing O On Task -Focused on task -Following directions -Quality work M Mindful -Consciously thinking about how actions/words impact self and others -Aware of surroundings -Safety first P Prepared to Learn -Ready to learn -Materials are ready -Accountability
M ONTHLY F EES Due on the dates designated on the WCPSS payment schedule for each track. See website for link Fees are not prorated for any reason including a child’s illness, family vacation, or change in the work schedule, etc. Each payment covers 20 school days. You do not pay for teacher workdays, track out days, or holidays when children are not in school. School is in session for a total of 180 days. The full monthly fee is due regardless of the number of days the child is absent from the program for illness, family trips, etc.
M ONTHLY F EES CASH CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. Checks are made payable Sycamore Creek children’s name and grades written on memo line If one check is returned from the bank, parents will make all future payments with a certified check or money order. There is a $10 fee for returned checks. You can pay online each month; however, it cannot be set up for an automatic draft. Small surcharge each transaction We will be setting this up & will have more info prior to the first payment.
P AYMENT S CHEDULE A FTER : $ PER PERIOD $ P ER YEAR B EFORE : $55.00 P ER P ERIOD ; $ P ER Y EAR Track 1Track 2Track 3Track 4 Jul 8 Jul 29 Aug 5 Aug 26 Sept 3Sept 23 Oct 21 Nov 12Nov 13 Nov 18Dec 16 Jan 13Jan 27Feb 17Feb 10 Feb 17Mar 17 Mar 10 Apr 7Apr 11 May 5 June 2Jun 2
L ATE P AYMENTS If payment is not made by the late date on the payment schedule, a reminder notice will be sent, and a $10 “late payment” fee will be charged. If payment is not made within five business days of the late date the student shall be withdrawn from the program. Any past due fees are still required to be paid.
N ON -S UFFICIENT F UND C HECKS Non-sufficient fund checks are held until a money order is received by the program to cover the amount of the check. Cash cannot be accepted. Parents will pay a $10.00 charge for the NSF check. Parents will be notified immediately upon receipt of the NSF notice and shall have ten school days in which to pay the charge in full. If the charge is not paid in full by the end of the ten days, the child will be withdrawn from the program. Once a NSF check is returned to the program, parents are required to make all future payments by money order or certified check..
THANKS FOR COMING!! Before you leave…Did you… Complete and turn in the snack form Double check the Discipline Form List to make sure you’ve completed all necessary forms.