Success for All - Living up to its name? Dr Louise Tracey & Professor Bette Chambers 21 March 2013
Inequalities in Society Nearly 4 million children are living in poverty in the UK (after housing costs) Inequalities in pre-school/school entry Importance of the Home Learning Environment (HLE) (Melhuish et al., 2001) Gaps increase throughout school career (ages 7, 11 & 16).
Literacy Importance of early literacy Support for systematic phonics instruction (Rose Review 2006, National Reading Panel, 2000) Primary framework & Letters and Sounds (2007)
Success For All (SFA): 1 Started in US, 1987 Introduced in UK, 1997 Empirical studies in US ( Mean effect size +0.29) Cost effectiveness Allen Report (2011)
Success For All (SFA): 2 Professor Bette Chambers
Background Success For All is a charitable foundation - a non- profit making organisation. Success for All’s main aim is to work in areas where there is underachievement. The overriding idea behind SFA is to use everything we know about effective teaching and learning to make a difference to the life chances of children and their families.
Evidence-Based Intervention Success for All was designed to put into practice the findings of longitudinal and externally validated research on teaching and learning. SFA has been subjected to rigorous evaluations including large-scale randomised studies. SFA has been awarded the highest rating for effectiveness by numerous raters.
Key Features Co-operative learning embedded throughout. Balanced literacy teaching. Extensive materials. Pupils grouped by stage not age for literacy lessons. Fast-paced engaging lessons. Intensive initial training and ongoing in-school support. Whole school reading assessments. Pupils re-grouped according to their progress for the next term. Tutoring for struggling readers. Family support.
Assessment Monitor Assess Partner/Team Practice Prompt Reinforce Peer pre-assessment Teacher Presentation Teach Model Guide Practice Celebration Recognise Celebrate Co-operative Learning - The Cycle of Instruction © 2011 Success for All Foundation
Curiosity & Kinder Quest WingsRoots Success for All: The Curriculum © 2011 Success for All Foundation Co- operative Learning Nursery & reception Year 1 (beginnin g readers to NC level 2c) Typically year 7 & 8 (NC level 2c readers and above) Typically year (NC level 2c readers and above)
Success for All Ofsted Key Judgements SFA significantly improves the quality and consistency of teaching throughout the school. SFA increases pupil engagement and motivation. Pupils are set challenging tasks matched to their particular needs – the co-operative learning strategy engages all pupils in learning. SFA raises expectations. SFA enhances the quality of leadership and management - developing expertise within the school and building its capacity to sustain improvement.
SFA in the UK Introduced in UK, 1997 Small scale studies conducted First large-scale longitudinal study in the UK ( )
Research Design Quasi-experimental design (matched) 40 schools (20 control, 20 intervention) Long-term implementers to new starters
Study Design Recruitment: Reception September 2008 – Pre-test Post-testing: Summer 2009 (end of Reception), Summer 2010 (end of Year 1) Summer 2011 (end of Year 2) Summer 2012 (end of Year 3)
Assessments BPVS – receptive vocabulary WRMT –Letter ID –Word ID –Word Attack YARC –Rate, accuracy & comprehension
Assessments Schools profiles: No significant difference in pre-test No significant difference in gender SEN c.12% I, 9% C FSM c. 43% I, 36% C EAL c. 46% I, 24% C
Analysis Clustering in schools
Results – end of Year 2 Word ID Word Attack YARC –Accuracy –Rate –Comprehension +0.06
Implementation fidelity Observations – control & intervention literacy instruction, co-operative learning & assessment Variations – control & intervention literacy instruction, co-operative learning & assessment
Discussion Educationally significant –Positive effect sizes (& long-term) Fidelity – similarities & differences Working with schools
School Feedback Assessments Assessors Feedback change
EEF RCT SFA Team Alphie Quest Next Steps?
Any Questions?
Questions for discussion How important is it to evaluate literacy programmes? Are RCTs the way forward? If so, how do we get involvement of schools?
Thank you! Further queries: