Prayer - Part 1 Author: Praveen Raj Kumar. Y Date: 06/01/2013 Place: Houthalen, Belgium 1Prayer - Part 1
Today we are going to discuss about Prayer and its aspects & lets see what is the lesson that we learn from them : . What is Prayer . Elements of Prayer. 2 Prayer - Part 1
Introduction: - 1.As of a Children of God, no matter how diligently/carefully we may strive to please God in all other phase of our responsibilities, if we do not pray or pray properly, we might be miserable failure. 2.This main goal of this topic is to help us to learn to appreciate the great blessing of Prayer and to teach how to pray efficiently. 3.We will proceed on how to define prayer in Scriptural Terms.. 3Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? I. Prayer is the General Term for Addressing God: - 1.God has made it possible for his Children to talk to him, through Prayer. 2.God asks his Children to call upon him. Parable of the persistent Widow – Luke 18: 1 – 8 4Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? II. Prayer is the Privilege and Duty of the Righteous: - 1.Prayer has been designed for God’s Children. Of course, people who are not children of God, may not seek his help and ask him/talk to him via Prayer. So it is such a privilege for children of God, to talk to him through Prayer… 2.Those trying to live righteously have their prayers approved by God 1 Peter 3: Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? III. Prayer is asking, seeking & knocking : - Matthew 7:7-11: 1.Ask – It will given to you; 2.Seek – you will find it. 3.Knock – the door will be opened for you. When asked to our Father in heaven, he will give us good gifts. 6Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? IV. Prayer is an act of faith: - James 1: 5-6: When he asks, he must believe and not doubt – Example of Persistent Widow. 1.One cannot please God, without faith – Hebrews 11:6 2.One must have a working faith – James 2:14,24. 7Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? IV. Prayer is an act of faith [Contd]: - James 1: 5-6: There are certain things that we need to pay attention to: 1.Prayer – Is not a substitute for work. 2.Prayer is mockery unless one strives for the most effective way in doing the will of God. As a farmer do not pray to get good crop as a substitute for his obligation to invest some hard work to prepare the solid and plant the seeds. Similarly, no Christian should just keep praying for the non- Christians, as a substitute for preaching the gospel & teaching them. 8Prayer - Part 1
What is Prayer? V. Prayer is more than thinking: - 1.Prayer is a communication between two parties involved God listens and Christian talks. 2.Then – Do I need to verbalize my private prayers…? 1.No need. God knows our hearts [ Hebrews 4:13 ] 2.Example of Hannah [ 1 Samuel 1:12-13 ] 3.Though she didn’t verbalize her prayer: 1.“Poured out of her soul to the Lord” 2.She has spoken to the Lord through Prayer. 9Prayer - Part 1
Elements of Prayer I. Adoration or Praise: - 1.Prayer is way of praising God/glorifying his name. 2.Prayer in worship: 1.Prayer exalts God as the object of praise, the recipient of love, and the source of all blessings. In turn, God displays his providential care and love for his children by hearing and answering their prayers. [ Matthew 7:7-11 ] 3.An example of such prayer: Acts 4: Prayer - Part 1
Elements of Prayer II. A kind of petition: - 1.Petition includes plea for one’s need [ 1 John 5:14-15 ] 2.Petition includes confession of sins and pleas for forgiveness 1.The example of Simon [ Acts 8:14-24 ] 2.Ezra’s prayer of confession of sin [ Ezra 9:6-10:1 ] 3.The prayer of David in Psalms 51 is an acknowledgement of his sin & s please for forgiveness. 11Prayer - Part 1
Elements of Prayer II. Thanks giving: - 1.Prayer should be characterized by thanksgiving for blessings received.[ Phil 4:6 ] 2.The Christian should be “abounding in thanksgiving.” [ Col 2:6-7; 4:2 ] 12Prayer - Part 1
Examples of efficient/effective Prayer: - 1.James 5:13-17 Elijah’s Prayer 2.1 Kings 18: Elijah fighting against the prophets of Baal. 3.Joshua 10:5-14 Joshua’s Prayer 4.2 Kings 20:1-6 King Hezekiah’s Prayer. 13Prayer - Part 1
Summary of Part 1: Prayer - This main goal of this topic is to help us to learn to appreciate the great blessing of Prayer and to teach how to pray efficiently What is Prayer? I. Prayer is the General Term for Addressing God II. Prayer is the Privilege and Duty of the Righteous III. Prayer is asking, seeking & knocking IV. Prayer is an act of faith V. Prayer is more than thinking Elements of Prayer. I. Adoration or Praise II. A kind of petition II. Thanks giving Examples of efficient/effective Prayer 14Prayer - Part 1
!!!! AMEN !!!! 15Prayer - Part 1