Matthew 14: 13-21; Mark 6: 30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15 Jesus Feeds the 5000 Matthew 14: 13-21; Mark 6: 30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15
Many people were following Jesus and his disciples. Jesus decided to bring their boat ashore so he could speak to the people.
Around 5000 people had come to see Jesus. Although he was tired, Jesus started to bless and heal many people.
As time went on Jesus’ disciples thought the people might be getting hungry. But Jesus had a plan!
Jesus asked the crowd if anyone had any food to share.
A young boy stepped forward and gave Jesus a basket. He had five loaves of bread and two small fish.
The disciples did not think that such a small amount of food would be able to feed the people. Jesus was not worried. He asked the people to sit down. Then Jesus took the bread and gave thanks to God.
The disciples passed the bread and fish to everyone in the crowd The disciples passed the bread and fish to everyone in the crowd. To everyone’s surprise there were twelve baskets of food left over.
Animations available from Story illustrations ©Zonderkidz, 2005 Presentation by Bev Evans, 2008