Project Accounting Report VSO Project Number & Title: _______________________________________________________________ GO TO THIS PAGE Part 1: Project Income Summary [local currency _____________________] Income Source [attach bank documentation to this page]DateAmount Bank Charge Amount in Local Currency
Project Accounting Report VSO Project Number & Title: _______________________________________________________________ Fill in these lines. Part 1: Project Income Summary [local currency _____________________] Income Source [attach bank documentation to this page]DateAmount Bank Charge Amount in Local Currency
Project Accounting Report VSO Project Number & Title: VSO [use project number!] “Accounting Workshop” [use project name!]_____ Part 1: Project Income Summary [local currency __EURO______________] Income Source [attach bank documentation to this page]DateAmount Bank Charge Amount in Local Currency Fill in these lines.
Page number ______________ Remember to put the page number at the bottom of the page! TOTAL
Page number _____1________ Remember to put the page number at the bottom of the page! TOTAL
Project Accounting Report VSO Project Number & Title: VSO [use project number!] “Accounting Workshop” [use project name!]_____ Part 1: Project Income Summary [local currency _____________________] Income Source [attach bank documentation to this page]DateAmount Bank Charge Amount in Local Currency Who sent the money? The amount in the currency that arrived at your bank! How much did your bank take before you received the money? What you finally received in your currency. Please attach to this form copies of any bank documents that report these transactions.
List all sources of income including grants from funding agencies, contributions from the VSO, contributions from other organizations, and the local contribution.
Project Accounting Report VSO Project Number & Title: VSO [use project number!] “Accounting Workshop” [use project name!]_____ Part 1: Project Income Summary [local currency _____EURO_____________] Income Source [attach bank documentation to this page] DateAmount Bank Charge Amount in Local Currency Curia ,000 usd25 usd 14,975 *.6993 = 10, Local donation