Terms Workflow – Automated method for routing of transactions (requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers) for approvals. User – Single person set up in the PeopleSoft system. Location – An address in the system where items can be shipped to or invoiced to. Role – High level definition of permissions assigned to groups of users. A User may have multiple roles. Routing – Method by which transactions flow through the approval chain.
Terms Module Business Unit – PeopleSoft method for separating transactions based on business rules for AP, PO and AR. Origin – Identifies agency’s origination of a transaction (usually a Dept) and is means to route transactions for approvals. Requester – User who enters requisitions into PeopleSoft. Buyer – User that will be final approver of requisitions and creates purchase orders. Approver – User assigned specific approval limits in each module.
Requisition Workflow Requester Creates Requisition Online Requisition Amount Approver 1 Requisition Amount Approver 2 Requisition Amount Approver 3 Requisition Amount Approver 4 Requisition Budget Approver Requisition Purchasing Approver -all transactions -Approve up to $2,500 - all transactions exceeding $2,500 Approve to $10,000 -all transactions exceeding $10K -Approve to $1mm -all transactions exceeding $1M -Approve over $1mm - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates chartfield information - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates purchase information (General Buyer) Name prints on PO Purchase Order Sent to Vendor - Automated batch processing creates PO and sends to vendor Alternate Approver can be inserted at any time during the approval process.
Purchase Order Workflow Buyer Creates PO Online PO Amount Approver 1 PO Amount Approver 2 PO Budget Approver - all transactions- all transactions exceeding $10K - all transactions regardless of amount -Validates chartfield information -Name prints on PO -Manual PO Emergency or immediate need -PO created from RFQ -PO created from contract (POS, PSA, ) Right Of Way, Construction, RL, MOU, Grant, Business Unit, Standardization, Master Agreement, General Letter, SCS, UFA Alternate Approver can not be inserted at any time during the approval process.
Voucher Workflow Voucher Processor Creates Voucher - all transactions regardless of amount Alternate Approver -Able to manually approve - transactions; will never receive worklist routings (exception based) Voucher Approver
Agency Input Required for Workflow Step 1:Add the origins needed to route vouchers that are not in the PO origin list Step 2: Identify a default origin and location for each user who will be a Requester, Buyer or Voucher Processor. Step 3:Map users who will be approvers to appropriate module business units and origins.