Implementing an Electronic Annual Reporting System for Evaluating Faculty Performance T. P.Mack, P. Robinson, R.C. Woods, J. Mitchell, and T. McAnge. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Virginia Tech T. P.Mack, P. Robinson, R.C. Woods, J. Mitchell, and T. McAnge. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Virginia Tech
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Background Faculty at Virginia Tech Have Been Producing a Printed ‘Faculty Annual Report’ Yearly. Faculty at Virginia Tech Have Been Producing a Printed ‘Faculty Annual Report’ Yearly. Required, and used for merit adjustments. This makes it IMPORTANT. Required, and used for merit adjustments. This makes it IMPORTANT. Faculty typically use Microsoft Word for their reports. Faculty typically use Microsoft Word for their reports. Reports reflected individuality of the faculty. Reports reflected individuality of the faculty. Some faculty Some faculty Submitted incomplete reports. Submitted incomplete reports. Forgot items they should have included. Forgot items they should have included. Chose different ways of documenting the same item. Chose different ways of documenting the same item. Faculty Were Also Being Asked for the Same Data Multiple Times During the Year, in Different Formats. Faculty Were Also Being Asked for the Same Data Multiple Times During the Year, in Different Formats. Impact statements. Impact statements. Graduate student enrollment. Graduate student enrollment.
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Problems With This Approach Faculty did not have access to data already collected by the University. Faculty did not have access to data already collected by the University. Grants database. Grants database. Courses database. Courses database. Course evaluations database. Course evaluations database. This meant that 500 faculty had to re-enter into Word what the University already had. This meant that 500 faculty had to re-enter into Word what the University already had. Reports varied in style and formatting, making evaluation of faculty performance harder. Reports varied in style and formatting, making evaluation of faculty performance harder. Over-and under reporting of information was occurring. Over-and under reporting of information was occurring. No benchmarks of performance possible- “How many publications were there in the College last year?” No benchmarks of performance possible- “How many publications were there in the College last year?”
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Need to Rapidly Produce Reports No Way to Automatically Collect and Summarize Data in These Reports. No Way to Automatically Collect and Summarize Data in These Reports. We Need Fast Access to Accurate Data to Document Our Performance Internally and Externally. We Need Fast Access to Accurate Data to Document Our Performance Internally and Externally. For legislators who determine funding for our college and University. For legislators who determine funding for our college and University. “What are you doing in in research, teaching, and outreach for my district?” “What are you doing in in research, teaching, and outreach for my district?” For federal reporting. For federal reporting. “What are you doing in ? “What are you doing in ? For within the University. For within the University. “How many graduate students do you have, and at what stage of progress is each one? What is their ethnicity?” “How many graduate students do you have, and at what stage of progress is each one? What is their ethnicity?” “We gave you ## new faculty positions two years ago. Are they making a difference? How do I know that?” “We gave you ## new faculty positions two years ago. Are they making a difference? How do I know that?”
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. SOLUTION! Create An Electronic Annual Reporting System Create An Electronic Annual Reporting System Goals: Goals: Reduce duplication of data entry for faculty, and save faculty time. Reduce duplication of data entry for faculty, and save faculty time. Reduce or eliminate over-and under reporting of data. Reduce or eliminate over-and under reporting of data. Improve accuracy of information. Improve accuracy of information. Increase ability to rapidly report information to clients. Increase ability to rapidly report information to clients. Create stable benchmark data so we can track progress over time. Create stable benchmark data so we can track progress over time.
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. eFARS The electronic Faculty Annual Reporting System An Electronic Duplicate of the Promotion and Tenure Outline. An Electronic Duplicate of the Promotion and Tenure Outline. Thoroughly Developed and Tested. Thoroughly Developed and Tested. eFARS has been 2+ years in development, more than 80 separate meetings. eFARS has been 2+ years in development, more than 80 separate meetings. Pilot tested with selected volunteer faculty in one department, one off-campus research center, and one Extension district. Pilot tested with selected volunteer faculty in one department, one off-campus research center, and one Extension district. Used by 501 Faculty for Their 2005 Annual Reports. Used by 501 Faculty for Their 2005 Annual Reports. Is Being Used Now by 500+ Faculty for Their 2006 Reports. Is Being Used Now by 500+ Faculty for Their 2006 Reports.
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. What Did Faculty Think of eFARS? 149 Faculty Respondents, After They Used eFARS. 149 Faculty Respondents, After They Used eFARS. Results: Results: 88% believed eFARS ran without technological problems on their computer. 88% believed eFARS ran without technological problems on their computer. 37% agreed that the eFARS team member who helped them was courteous and professional. 47% were neutral on this question. 37% agreed that the eFARS team member who helped them was courteous and professional. 47% were neutral on this question. 52% did not use the eFARS Help Desk at all. 52% did not use the eFARS Help Desk at all. 46% felt that the instructions and the FAQ on the eFARS website were useful. 27% indicated they were not useful. 46% felt that the instructions and the FAQ on the eFARS website were useful. 27% indicated they were not useful. 42% felt that eFARS allowed them to enter and display the information they needed to. 36% did not. 42% felt that eFARS allowed them to enter and display the information they needed to. 36% did not. 84% indicated that they could access eFARS whenever you needed to. 84% indicated that they could access eFARS whenever you needed to.
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. What Does eFARS Do? Automatically... Automatically... Summarizes data for a faculty member, the department, and the each faculty member enters it. Summarizes data for a faculty member, the department, and the each faculty member enters it. Carries over items from last year, so they do not have to be re-entered. Carries over items from last year, so they do not have to be re-entered. Publications in press, grants submitted, etc. Publications in press, grants submitted, etc. Imports some items submitted elsewhere. Imports some items submitted elsewhere. Research impact statements for 134 faculty. Research impact statements for 134 faculty. Generates outputs for faculty to use. Generates outputs for faculty to use. Annual report. Annual report. Curriculum vita. Curriculum vita. USDA and NSF forms (Current and Pending Support, List of Collaborators, etc). USDA and NSF forms (Current and Pending Support, List of Collaborators, etc). Two page resumes in various grant formats. Two page resumes in various grant formats.
Let’s Look At eFARS! Let’s Look At eFARS! Let’s Look At eFARS! Let’s Look At eFARS!
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Now You Are In!
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Impact Statements Impact Statements Are Now a Collaborated Work
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Add Your Colleagues If You Use This Button, Collaborators Will Receive an Notifying Them That You Added This Work
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Percent Responsibility
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Carryover Items
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Extension Reporting
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Enter Your Data
Copyright Timothy P. Mack, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author. Other New Items Guest Lectures Section Added, As Per Your Requests. Guest Lectures Section Added, As Per Your Requests. You Can Enter Old Data. You Can Enter Old Data. Multiple “My Reports” Coming Soon.... Multiple “My Reports” Coming Soon.... Annual Report. Annual Report. Curriculum Vita. Curriculum Vita. Grants Forms (Downloadable to Your Desktop for Editing) Grants Forms (Downloadable to Your Desktop for Editing) USDA and NSF USDA and NSF Resume Resume Current and Pending Support Current and Pending Support List of Collaborators List of Collaborators Guest Lectures Section Added, As Per Your Requests. Guest Lectures Section Added, As Per Your Requests. You Can Enter Old Data. You Can Enter Old Data. Multiple “My Reports” Coming Soon.... Multiple “My Reports” Coming Soon.... Annual Report. Annual Report. Curriculum Vita. Curriculum Vita. Grants Forms (Downloadable to Your Desktop for Editing) Grants Forms (Downloadable to Your Desktop for Editing) USDA and NSF USDA and NSF Resume Resume Current and Pending Support Current and Pending Support List of Collaborators List of Collaborators