Leadership from any position Lynley Stone The Information Workshop LIANZA Leadership Facilitator 1
Outline Overview of the LIANZA Emerging Leaders project Understand that we are all leaders Leadership strategies that can be used by all 2
Strengthening the Profession Brand Libraries : Developing a strong library brand directed at key decision makers Future Skills: Identifying the future skills that will be required by librarians and ensure training needs are addressed Emerging Leaders: Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession 4
Emerging Leaders Working Party Primary Outcome: For there to be an ongoing supply of library and information service leaders – capable and ready to lead both their organisations and the sector into the future Cath Sheard, Christine Busby, Jo Prince, Paul Neilsen, Philip Calvert, Sue Weddell 5
Lynley Stone, Leadership Facilitator 6
Emerging Leaders Project Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession 7
Emerging Leaders Project Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession a long term strategy for LIANZA affordable for participants and LIANZA ongoing support 8
Emerging Leaders Project Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession define and increase understanding self awareness and self identification help others identify leaders 9
Emerging Leaders Project Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession many forms of leadership ability develop over time best practice skills + personal experience + self awareness provide support on this journey 10
Emerging Leaders Project Developing a sustainable system of identifying and developing emerging leaders within the profession Everybody has the potential to be a leader in the profession 11
YOU are a leader! 12
Who are Emerging Leaders? All of us are leaders: our current leaders at all levels people who are developing leadership skills people who don’t realise they are leaders yet 13
Emerging Leaders Strategies Online CDP Course Resource Portal On Website Resources to define, support & develop LIANZA Emerging Leadership Programme Region & SIG ideas LIANZA Statement on Leadership 14
LIANZA Statement on Leadership LIANZA acknowledges that there is an urgent need to identify and develop future leaders in the library and information profession. LIANZA is committed to fostering and encouraging future leaders. LIANZA supports emerging leaders through a number of channels, and at a number of stages throughout their career. LIANZA believes that: 1. There are distinct differences between the roles of managers and leaders. 2. Leaders can come from anywhere in an organisation and may not necessarily hold senior positions. 3. Leadership competencies such as adaptability, self-awareness, strategic thinking and ability to network are vital. These may sit outside traditional core LIS skills. 4. Librarians should be supported to develop leadership skills by their profession, employer and colleagues. 5. The Library and information profession has a responsibility to recognise and encourage emerging leaders. LIANZA recognizes that this may attract a cost, both financial and in terms of time, however LIANZA believes that it is critical to develop leadership skills. 6. Opportunities to foster and develop leadership skills will be provided by LIANZA in a range of formats and delivery modes to ensure that a range of library and information professionals are able to engage, regardless of physical location, domestic situation and organisation. 15
Any Questions? Watch Library Life for announcements Be part of the conversation 16
Different approaches to leadership Strategic vision Managerial control Supervision of routine activity Leading by example Project management Roles within teams Organising social activities Sharing information Having ideas and taking initiative Taking responsibility Being part of things 18
Barriers to workplace leadership hierarchical structures and attitudes top down planning and decision making time, budget or other resource constraints focus on process rather than outcomes apathy or resistance from people towards change silo thinking not having a legitimate leader role in a situation, and holding back 19
Different contexts of leadership Strategic vision Managerial control Supervision of routine activity Leading by example Project management Roles within teams Organising social activities Sharing information Having ideas and taking initiative Taking responsibility Being part of things In the work team In the whole library In the wider organisation In the professional associations In the community In social situations In family situations In a crisis In your own development 20
LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES THAT CAN BE USED BY ALL “when opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare” John Wooden, Basketball coach 21
Get involved in things Volunteer, offer to help, suggest an idea, apply for places on committees and project groups, seek secondments, etc. Learn new skills See bigger picture Build personal networks Develop self confidence “Take and make opportunities” 22
Know yourself 23
See things from other people’s points of view – it’s about US not ME Do the right thing It’s not about what you want Think how can you – help your team – support your boss – give better service to your users – contribute to the strategic objectives of the organisation Analyse problems, and present solutions or strategies “the way we handle the workflow around the returns bin seems awkward to me – could we have a look at it and see if we could do it differently?” 24
Build and manage your relationships Build relationships across hierarchy See people as human, not positions Understand different personality and communication styles Learn to network Understand what is important to them Be open, listen, learn, share “Communicate communicate communicate” 25
Use Process and Learn Skills Clear focus on problem/task Communicate the vision Gain support and resources Support and empower followers Project management Communication skills Political skills Hearts and minds 26
Learn more about Leadership Read! Be part of the LIANZA Leadership Strategy and use the courses and resources we are developing Develop related skills e.g. public speaking, self assertion Talk with leaders Observe what others are doing Take leadership opportunities Reflect on your learning 27
In Summary - Work Smart 80% of your effectiveness comes from 20% of your effort Something small, quick and easy can make a huge difference Consult with users to find out what they really need Brainstorm problems with colleagues to get creative ideas Ensure strategic alignment Focus on a job and finish it 28
Last Words We are all leaders, in many different ways Leadership is about making things happen Leadership skills and confidence come with experience and self awareness Learn about leadership Get involved, make things happen Believe in yourself Together, let’s build a strong future for libraries in Aotearoa! 29