Baby Monitor Application Background Search and Patents
Background Search Doing some research, there are similar Android applications that are similar to our project. Although these applications are similar, there are some differences between these existing applications, and our team project.
Existing Android Applications Baby Monitor and Alarm Baby Monitor and Alarm Phone Alert, Mum’s Voice, Sweet Dreams, Activity Log, Ample Application Settings. Baby Monitor Baby Monitor Baby Alarm Image Surveillance, Sleep Diary, Baby Tips, Low Battery Warning
Comparison of applications of baby monitors that are from mobile phone to mobile phone devices. Compared to our team project team project device will? transmitter from a baby monitor unit (transmitter). To a application on an android device. It will send and receive audio from the transmitter to the android device. Other applications that work as baby monitors. The two applications that were on the slide before communicate from mobile to mobile phone. Both the mobile phone applications will send a text if there is sound around the area of the baby and can also play melodies through the application. The cost of the applications are from free to around four dollars. The down side is you already have to own to android devices in order for the applications to work.
Patents 8,249,028 8,249,028 Method and apparatus for identifying wireless transmitters 8,170,607 8,170,607 Communication system and method in a hybrid wired/wireless local area network