ODOT’s Public Involvement Process PI and the Project Development Process Minimum PI Requirements
PI and the PDP Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
The PDP A project management and transportation decision-making tool Facilitates project development and risk management Enhances decision-making Eliminates duplicate efforts among disciplines Minimum PI requirements incorporated Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 3
A Phased Approach Projects categorized as one of five paths Each path advances through five phases PI is “right-sized” within each phase to better support decision-making Provides flexibility Appropriate PI activities conducted Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 4
Project Manager Role The DEC or District Environmental Staff may act in this role Ensures the level of PI is commensurate with the project’s type and complexity Ensures stakeholders and the public are informed appropriately of decisions made Ensures appropriate opportunities to participate are given Responsible for executing PI Plan Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 5
Minimum PI Requirements Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Level of PI Minimum requirements are built-in to assure appropriate PI is conducted Project-by-project Not interpreted to mean that each project will only require the minimum The PI approach is commensurate with a project’s type and complexity Anticipated impacts and unusual circumstances may require elevated PI Ensures legal requirements are met and decision-making is enhanced Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 7
Level of PI Avoid oversimplifying and failing to anticipate the need for PI Conversely, do not build more into the process than is reasonably required Be flexible, as it may become necessary to elevate the level of PI Be proactive (not just reactive) Consider and address community needs appropriately as a project progresses Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 8
Path 1 Traditional maintenance type actions No right-of-way (ROW) or utility impacts Include PI conducted per the STIP process List active projects on district website Provide contact information Public Notifications Standard plan notes executed by the contractor (e.g. construction schedule coordination, detours, roadway closures) Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 9
Path 1 Considerations Internal consultation with specific ODOT divisions may be needed Consultation may be requested by or needed with local officials or stakeholders Maintenance of traffic concerns Minor local controversy Circumstances may warrant additional PI Property Owner Notification Letters Resource specific PI Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 10
Path 2 Involve minor ROW acquisitions Culvert and bridge replacements Addition of turn lanes and shoulders Property Owner Notification Letters If impacted by the project Access restrictions, ROW acquisition A PI activity Not just right-of-entry notification Stakeholder Consultation Public Notifications Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 11
Path 2 Considerations Internal consultation with specific ODOT divisions may be needed Consultation may be requested by or needed with local officials or stakeholders Maintenance of traffic concerns Minor local controversy Circumstances may warrant additional PI Resource Specific PI Section 106, Noise, or Aesthetic Design 12 Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Path 3 Involve a higher level of complexity ROW acquisition/minor utility impacts Can be Non-Complex or Complex, depending on the range of technical issues and impacts Property Owner Notification Letters If impacted by the project A PI activity Potential exists for increased contact with property owners Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 13
Path 3 Stakeholder Consultation As appropriate Press Release Public Notifications May require a higher level of District PIO involvement than for a Path 1 or Path 2 May include project updates via list, direct mailings, fliers, as appropriate Public Meeting, as appropriate Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 14
Path 3 Considerations Complex Path 3 projects generally require preparation of a Feasibility Study Stakeholder consultation occurs at the completion of the Feasibility Study Stakeholder consultation occurs at the completion of an AER (if needed) Stakeholder meetings may be appropriate prior to presenting Feasible Alternatives to the public Comments received are addressed as the project continues through the PDP Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 15
Path 4 Involve complex roadway/structure work May add capacity May involve substantial utility and ROW impacts or relocations Typically involve multiple alternatives Property Owner Notification Letters If impacted by the project or as appropriate A PI activity Increased contact with property owners Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 16
Path 4 Stakeholder Consultation More involvement than Path 2 or Path 3 Press Release More numerous and specific in nature Potential for local media attention Public Notifications Greater emphasis on providing project updates via list, direct mailings, fliers, newsletters, surveys, etc. Use of social media more prominent Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 17
Path 4 Public Meetings Open House or Formal format recommended Open mic strongly encouraged for higher level CEs; required for EAs and EISs Public Hearings are required for Path 4 projects that are an EA or EIS Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 18
Path 4 Considerations Stakeholders are provided an opportunity to review Feasibility Studies and Alternative Evaluation Reports (AERs) Stakeholder consultation typically occurs after the Feasibility Study and the AER have been completed Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 19
Path 5 A higher level of complexity and the potential to involve a high level of impacts Substantial ROW relocations and impacts Involve multiple alternatives Property Owner Notification Letters If impacted by the project or as appropriate Treat as PI related activity Increased contact with property owners Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 20
Path 5 Stakeholder Consultation Potential more involvement than Path 4 Involves multiple stakeholder meetings Press Release Numerous and specific in nature High level of local media attention Public Notifications Higher level of project updates via direct mailings, fliers, newsletters, surveys, etc. Use of social media prominent Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 21
Path 5 Public Meetings Open House style or formal presentation Open mic strongly encouraged for higher level CEs; required for EAs and EISs Public Hearings are required for Path 5 projects that are an EA or EIS Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 22
Path 5 Considerations Stakeholders are provided an opportunity to review Feasibility Studies and Alternative Evaluation Reports (AERs) Stakeholder consultation typically occurs after the Feasibility Study and the AER have been completed Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 23
Summary District Environmental Staff, the PM and the Project Management Team ensure the appropriate level of PI is conducted The level of PI is commensurate with a project’s type and complexity Anticipated impacts and unusual circumstances may require elevated PI Public Involvement Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services 24