Business and Education CIOforum Quarterly Event December 5, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Business and Education CIOforum Quarterly Event December 5, 2011

Demographic Trends 2 Demand for ICT professionals rose 66% during Assumed that this will be 22% for next decennium Results in a requirement of 30,000 ICT professionals if above trends are reality and ICT education and policies sources remain unchanged Sources –Monitoring e-skills demands and supply in Europe (European Commission, 2009) –The Future of IT Professionals in the Mature Markets (IBM TEC, 2011) –De Arbeidsmarkt(en) in Belgie: Evolutie : Vergelijk & Stand van Zaken anno 2007 (VIVES, Vlaams Instituut voor Economie en Samensleving, 2007) 22%

Objective - Focus Major bottle-neck in business analysts and holistic project managers 3 Basic Broad Management Competences** Researcher Technical Competences** Practical Conceptual Hardware Designer Soft App Developer Bus Analyst/ Consult Infra Analyst/ Architect System Developer WebDesig ner/ Developer Project Manager Sales and Market Rep Infra Ops and Maint Helpdesk Officer Field Support Engineer 29%* 7%* *: based on CIOforum data 2008 ** : classification based on Agoria

Objective - Focus To increase considerably the inflow of the academic master students into Information Management Departments for Industry 4

Actions Continue what we did before, e.g. –Cloud Computing at HOWEST (Luc Delombaerde) –Explanation to Masters in Finance of Ugent (Betty Bogaert) –IT Governance project at KHK (Ronald Smet) –Explanation to Management School Louvain-la-Neuve (Luc Verhoeven) –... Develop a flyer/short summary text to ‘seduce’ academic masters Identify target academic masters and get in touch with them Set up approach for CIO 2020 contest with schools planned for Go for it !!!! 5