Symmetry around the school By the ninja turtles A.k.a Alex,Nicole,Grace,Tumema
W.A.L.T Explain what is symmetry and give examples from the world around us.
Success Criteria I will be successful when i Write what symmetry is and it is clear for other people to read. My explanation makes sense and it is correct. I will have photos that show symmetry. My powerpoint will give information.
Example of symmetry It is when you cut or fold an item in half and the 2 sides match. There is symmetry all around us. Stop and look at the symmetry
why do we have it? Symmetry is all around we can’t stop it from coming everybody can find symmetry its easy to find you can find it in your house
photos of symmetry. Some photos of us Can you see the symmetry?
Where would you find symmetry? You can find symmetry all around us Look around name things that are symmetrical Can you see anything?
Thank you very much!!!!! Hope you know what symmetry is or else ask you teacher.