Role Play Players: Owner/mgr of Small Business Spouse who works in the business Accountant for Small Business CRA auditor Audit Interview 20 questions Love, Hate, Opportunities?
Audit Interview Questionnaire 1. Do you have a safe deposit box, if so what do you store in it? 2. Do you have Canadian or Foreign bank accounts, credit cards? 3. Do you have Securities, RRSP and non RRSP? 4. Did you receive any Inheritances or did you win a lottery recently? 5. Gambling winnings or losses? 6. Do you keep more than $1,000 in cash? 7. Who lives with you and whom do you support that does not live with you? 8. Have you had significant gifts from friends or loans from friends or relations? 9. WCB or Insurance proceeds? 10. Have you purchased or sold vehicles and what is their value? 11. Do you own real property, rental property, antiques, collectibles, artwork? 12. If you have a house when was it built, when was it purchased and are there significant improvements, when were they finished? 13. Do you have any tenants? 14. Were there significant purchases in the household, weddings, funerals, graduations? 15. Did you purchase any major assets, jewellery, fur coats? 16. Vacations past, present, future? Do you water or snow ski? Surf? 17. Do you own any trailers, campers, motor homes, cottages, boats, motor cycles, ski or sea doos? 18. Do you have any receivables in kind or cash? 19. Do you engage in any barter transactions? 20. Can you tell us about your mortgages, bank loans and credit lines?
Who Wins? 3 things you love 3 things you hate 3 opportunities you see 3 resolutions