The use of large data sets and information systems in nowadays vegetation research Joop Schaminée & Stephan Hennekens Brest, 4 November 2010, Colloque international Centenaire de la Phytosociologie
The history of vegetation data 1915 Oldest relevés according to Braun-Blanquet 1992 First version of Turboveg (DOS-version) 1994 First questionnaire on overview of European vegetation data 1996 Turboveg for Windows 2008 Preslia: overview of European vegetation data 2010 Global Index of Vegetation-plot Databases (GIVD)
Content of presentation National vegetation databases Scientific research Information systems
National vegetation databases
Overview vegetation data Europe CountryTotalComputerizedTurboveg Germany1,600,000 90,000 65,000 Netherlands 700, ,000 France 350, ,000 0 Poland 180,000 15,000 0 Spain 165,000 77,000 15,000 Italy 150,000 20,000 1,000 United Kingdom 132, ,000 26,000 Roumenia 70, Belgium 58,000 45,000 33,000 Russia 57,000 37,000 27,000 Ireland 23,000 10,000 Luxemburg 15,000 14,000
Total number of plots - absolute numbers
Dutch national vegetation databank 560,000 relevés 10,000,000 geo-referenced species records
Information systems
Biological information systems are Data base driven Operational on different levels Incorporating a GIS platform Acting as electronic encyclopedia Generating new information by combining data sets Important for nature planning and policy making
The input and management of vegetation data
Electronic encyclopedia
Combining data bases
GIS application
Scientific research
Ordination axes123 Eigenvalues Lengths of gradient Species-environment correlations: - Total (multiple correlation) - Moisture - Productivity - Light availability - Base saturation - Salinity - Temperature
Scientific research
Conclusion The eco-informatics approach opens fascinating and new ways in vegetation research by integrating large databases on different biological levels (species, plant communities, landscape) and by using a GIS platform for the vizualisation of spatial information. The new perspectives can be reached optimal by an open and free exchange of data, in other words by data-sharing and collaboration.
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