CYTOKINES Low molecular Soluble protein messengers Common subunit receptors (heterodimers) Lymphocyte derived lymphokine Monocyte derived Monokine Involved ın leukocyte interaction Interleukines
Affecting the secreting cell Autocrine Affecting nearby cells Parecrine Affecting distant cells Endocrine Thee effects of the cytokines may be: - Antagonistic - Additive - Synergistic
Chemokines Chemoatractant cytokines 4 types: CCCCXCCX3C
Molecules involved in innate immunity TNF-alpha IL-1 IL-10 IL-12 Type I interferons IFN-gamma Chemokines
Molecules involved in adaptive immunity IL-2 IL-4 IL-5 TGF-beta
Adhesion molecules Stable cell contact Types: Integrines: Combinations of alpha and beta chains interacting with molecules of IG-superfamily Integrines: Combinations of alpha and beta chains interacting with molecules of IG-superfamily Selectins and addressins: Trafficking leukocytes to certain tissue and/organs Selectins and addressins: Trafficking leukocytes to certain tissue and/organs
Cluster of differentiation molecules > 250 molecules CD4 CD8 CD3 (TCR)
Signal transduction molecules JAK-STAT pathway: RAS-MAP KINASE pathway:
Immunoregulation Anergy (absence of co-stimulation during the antigen recognition) Downregulation of the T cell activation (CTLA- 4+B7) Activities of the cytokines Idiotype-anti-idiotype interactions
Soluble ABs occupy B cell receptors AB-AG complex bind to Fcreceptors of B cells Inhibitory signals for B cells
Tregs CD4+CD25+FoxP3 5-10 % of peripheral CD4 + cells Selected ın tymus - Naturally occuring Treg: Contact- dependent supression - Induced Treg: Induced by antigen or TGF- beta or IL-10 ( Tr1 cells) - CD8+ Treg (supressor T cells – Ts): Can be induced by IL-10 or antigen
TOLERANCE Self tolerance: Positive and negative selection in tymus (clonal deletion) Non-self tolerance: May be induced (different Ag administration route; induction by mo.)
Large, aggegated, complex molecules, SC or IM administration, optimal dose, older or mature host, presence of fully differantiated cells (memory B and T cells) - favor immune response
Soluble, smaller, less complex Ag, Ag not presented y APC or processed by cells without MHC class II, oral or IV administration, large doses, immature or new-borne host, relatively undifferentiated cells - favor tolerance.
INDUCTION OF THE TOLERANCE - Clonal deletion - Clonal anergy - Clonal ignorence - Anti-idiotype antibodies
Autoimmunity Breakdown of self tolerance Genetic predispositin (HLA B8, B27, Dr2, Dr3, Dr4, Dr5,…)
- Sequestered antigens: Clonal escape of autoreactive T cells Lack of Treg İnfluence of infections: