For be in good health haven’t got enough do movement, but eat well too. Here are some advices to learn to eat in correct way:
1. THE MEALS The chief meals are 3, that are breakfast, lunch and dinner. There are 2 snacks one early-rising and one afternoon.
… but without exaggerate
The alimentary piramid indincate the dishes you have to eat during the week: -at the base of the the piramid we can find the meals more consumption: the rise, pasta, bread with the proteins; - a step on there are fruits and vegetables with water and vitamins; - in the third step we can find cheese, lactic, milk, yogurt, calcium, but you don’t have to eat too much. In the same step we find eggs, white meat like kitchen, the fish and the legumes.
3.THE MOVEMENT Eat good is important for have a good health you need to do physical activities. Do our favourite sport, help us to remain in good health and in a funny way.
All the sports need our body to be strong. For example in dance every time that a dancer stay on the points of her feet, the body needs to be very strong.