Movelex VLE: A Flexible Learning Tool for a Multigrade School Andrea Kárpáti Kornél Varga ELTE, Budapest
Main goal of the MOVELEX VLE: To support self-regulated learning and developmental assessment through ICT solutions Learning materials for individualised instruction need local adaptation and development Tools for software development by teachers should be simple to use and flexible to adapt Integration: materials should finally create a coherent set of teaching aids through a co- evolutionary developmental process Self-regulated learning involves the active participation of students in the developmental process
The system is adaptive on multiple levels The material can be classified for “novice”, „intermediate learner” or “expert” Based on the results of the tests learning can be slowed down through repetitive exercises or accelerated through the omission of well-acquired parts The material can be adjusted to the different needs of schools and classes
Use of animations and images with captions The central idea of the VLE is visualisation using the MOVELEX animator (drawing) component Simplest form is to insert words on an image A photograph may be animated as easily as you move a Barbie doll To create more sophisticated drawings and animations needs advanced skills The optimal use of this function is through pair or group work Captions can be used as assessement
Pilot projects with the Movelex VLE We organize courses to teach teachers for construction of new digital learning materials in groups Students will make animations – mentored by teachers Special mathematical project The Movelex Presenter can be downloaded:
Thank you for the attention! Andrea Kárpáti Kornél Varga ELTE, Budapest