Basic Pesticide Safety Reemphasis of some of the important points
Basic Pesticide Safety: Method Selection Use the method which Is ecologically effective Poses lowest risk to the human environment Is cost effective Not necessarily a pesticidal method If not – pesticide safety is not a concern In this session we assume pesticide use
Basic Pesticide Safety: Proper Use Always treat pesticides with Respect Know the product Know its limitations Read the label Know the label requirements Care Know the application equipment and its limits Know and follow proper storage, transport and use procedures
Basic Pesticide Safety: Personnel Safety Avoid contact with the pesticide Wear all designated safety equipment Be careful of drips and spills Keep hands away from eyes and mouth Wash your hands before Smoking Eating Bathroom breaks
Designated safety equipment Based on the WPS statement on the label & Regional requirements Minimum in R-8 Long sleeved shirt & long pants of tightly woven material Waterproofed boots Goggles Hard hat Unlined nitrile gloves
Safety equipment Requirement for nitrile gloves is in conflict with F.S. fire regulations if you are working a fire in a recently treated area Fire regulations say leather gloves, chemical presence requires nitrile Unresolved at present – waterproofed leather gloves may ultimately be the compromise position
Safety equipment It is recommended that a tyvek suit be carried to the field More for modesty should someone have to change out of contaminated clothes Virtually useless in the briar patch
Basic Pesticide Safety: Accidental Contact If you contact a pesticide Clean the body parts contacted Immediately, and Thoroughly Change clothes if necessary Apply First-Aid, if necessary If pesticide was swallowed, if it has gotten into the eyes, or if the person contacted is showing any symptoms resulting from the contact – get him or her to a doctor immediately
Basic Pesticide Safety: Serious Exposure If you have to go to a doctor Notify your dispatcher and have them determine which doctor and prearrange for you to be seen immediately (Which doctor should be determined from your previously prepared Spill Plan which is filed at the dispatcher’s desk) Carry a copy of the label and MSDS to the doctor
Basic Pesticide Safety: Transport Do not carry pesticides in the passenger compartment of a vehicle Do not carry “mixed loads” Carry herbicides separately from insecticides from fungicides, etc. Tie containers down to avoid bouncing them around Licensing requirements (Hazmat drivers)
DOT regulations: loads greater than 1,000 pounds HAZMAT certification Any load greater than 1,000 pounds GROSS weight With water weighing about 8 pounds per gallon this restricts the load to Less than 100 gallons of formulated product OR of tank mix in water
Basic Pesticide Safety: Storage Store pesticides in a separate building Storage area should be locked And, access should be strictly limited (in light of the current emphasis on Homeland Security – these common sense requirements have taken on an importance and life of their own!!)
Basic Pesticide Safety: Storage Pesticides should be stacked separately And, ideally, be separated by product type A current inventory should be available at the dispatcher’s desk Fire hazard signing should be accurate
Pesticide Safety -Fire Safety Sign
Pesticide Safety – Fire Sign Translated FSH ,60 - Exhibits
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spills Preparation Spill Plan Template available Customize it to the District – local doctors and emergency response team phone numbers and locations Update for each ongoing project (labels & MSDSs) Spill kit on truck Contents listed last page of spill plan
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Typed and legible Maintained current Always available at dispatcher’s desk for ready access in the event of an emergency
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Provide for care of injured or contaminated personnel Specific concerns Identify spilled material Notify
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Who to notify + phone # What they need to know Contain the spill Safety measures to be observed during cleanup
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Clean-up Documentation Summary – dry spills Summary – wet spills
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Phone numbers of people to notify and people or organizations who can provide assistance
Basic Pesticide Safety: Spill Plan Document Storage facility spill kit Vehicle spill kit
Spill plan Review before going to the field In addition – carry label & MSDS to the field Keep a copy of the current spill plan at the district dispatcher’s desk where it is readily accessed if needed
Basic Pesticide Safety: When a Spill Happens Take care of injured personnel first! Contain the spill Get appropriate help
Basic Pesticide Safety: When a Spill Happens Reporting required: Dispatcher District Ranger Forest Pesticide Coordinator * Forest Supervisor Regional HAZMAT Coordinator * Continue talk *
Basic Pesticide Safety: Forest Pesticide Coordinators Alabama -- Jim Clute Chatt-Oconee -- Pat Hopton (Tallulah RD) Cherokee – Ed Brown Daniel Boone -- Paul Finke Florida -- Gary Hegg (Wakulla RD) FMS -- Jay Purnell GW/J – Russ MacFarlane Kisatchie -- Mississippi -- Jerry Windham North Carolina – John Blanton Ouachita -- Finis Harris Ozark -- Jack Davis Savannah River -- Jamie Scott Texas – George Weick Return *
Basic Pesticide Safety: Regional Hazmat Coordinator Walt Sternke Return *
Basic Pesticide Safety: Environmental Concerns Already mentioned spills Caution must be taken to avoid Drift Leaching Runoff, and Other forms of off-site movement Labels, MSDS, labeling and other documents help
Basic Pesticide Safety: Environmental Movement More later
Safety products catalogs
Basic Pesticide Safety: Low Risk Pesticide Use Low-risk application is the focus of all of our safety messages with respect to pesticides Most of the remainder of the session will deal with how to do it right