Book p.2 The King’s Wishes There was once a happy king. He lives in a small palace with his queen. A cook and a maid looked after them. One day, his minister said, “Your palace is too small. A king should live in a grand palace.” When the king heard this, he was no longer happy. “This palace is too small. I wish to have a grand palace,” he said to the queen. “But I like our small palace,” said the queen. “I am happy here.” The king did not listen. He built a grand palace with many rooms. For a while, he was happy. However, one day, his minister said, “You have too few servants. A king’s palace should have many servants.”
Book p.3 When he heard this, the king was no longer happy. “I wish to have many servants,” he told the queen. So the king hired many servants. Soon, the servants started fighting among themselves. The cook and the maid became unhappy and they left. “I wish that things could be as before,” sighed the king. “They can,” said the queen. “We can go back to our small palace.” The king and queen returned to their small palace. The cook and the maid were waiting for them there. In the small palace, they all lived happily ever after.
Book p.4 Cathy I wish to be a beautiful queen. I wish to have a magic carpet that can fly. I wish to be a famous dancer.
Book p.4 Ben I wish to be a great basketball player. I wish to be a famous singer. I wish to own a big toy shop.
Book p.4 Daisy I wish to invent something amazing. I wish to be a policewoman. I wish to be a deep sea diver.
Book p.5 I want to be a chef because I like to cook. I want to be a clown because I like to make people laugh. I want to be a firefighter because I would like to help people in trouble. I want to be a doctor because I like to help people.
Book p.5,6 I want to be a pilot because I like planes. I want to be an astronaut because I would like to go to the moon. I want to be an actor because I like to perform in front of people.
Book p.7 I will learn ballet because I wish to be a famous dancer. She will learn to swim because she wants to be a deep sea diver. He will train with the basketball team because he wants to be a great basketball player. We will save our pocket money because we want to travel around the world. I will read many science books because I wish to invent something amazing.
Book p.8 I want to be a baker because I like to bake bread. I wish to be a lifeguard because I love the sand and the sea. I wish to be a world-famous acrobat because I like the circus. I want to be a vet because I like to care for animals.
Book p.9 I wish to be a pianist because I love music. I wish to be a florist because I love flowers. I wish to be a writer because I love books. I want to be a football player because I like sports.
Book p.10 Diary 20 th September 200X Today, I celebrated my birthday with my family. Mum made me a beautiful birthday cake. I made three wishes before I blew out the candles. I wish to play guitar because I enjoy music. I will ask Dad to teach me how to play the guitar. I wish to win the English prize this year because I want to study in London when I grow up. I will read more English books to improve my English. I wish to be an artist when I grow up because I love art. I will save all my pocket money for art materials so that I can practise more often. I am glad that I had a great birthday. I will work hard to make my dreams come true. Date Event Feelings, dreams and wishes
Book p.12 What is your favourite wish? Why do you wish for that? How will you make your wish come true? I will read books about magic tricks and practise hard. I wish for that because I love magic tricks. I wish to be a magician when I grew up.
Book p.13 America France Japan South Africa Australia England
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